Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

John.St said:
You don't think the First Amendment should be upheld?

In the USA of course!

But this is not a really a public forum and First Amendment rights do not apply.

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steveinbsas said:
See you in Hell (at least you have the appropriate attire).
:D:D Middle East hell is hot, northern European hell is cold - what should I wear?
A problem with the Tea Party is that it has too many spokespersons, with a broad spectrum of political beliefs. I do not agree with many of the views, but the common thread is basically to get back to a more limited federal government that was envisioned in our Constitution. Big governments often happen because of well intentioned people seeking solutions to problems. They seek to centralize power in the hands of "czars" who get to use that power without the consent of the governed. Too much power in the hands of a few have resulted in bad things happening like Nazi Germany, Darfur, Bosnia, the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao, the Gulags of Stalin, and most recently the United States many "wars" on poverty, drugs, terror, Iraq, Afginistan, and other well intentioned tasks that have had the opposite effect of the intended result.
captainmcd said:
A problem with the Tea Party is that it has too many spokespersons, with a broad spectrum of political beliefs. I do not agree with many of the views, but the common thread is basically to get back to a more limited federal government that was envisioned in our Constitution. Big governments often happen because of well intentioned people seeking solutions to problems. They seek to centralize power in the hands of "czars" who get to use that power without the consent of the governed. Too much power in the hands of a few have resulted in bad things happening like Nazi Germany, Darfur, Bosnia, the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao, the Gulags of Stalin, and most recently the United States many "wars" on poverty, drugs, terror, Iraq, Afginistan, and other well intentioned tasks that have had the opposite effect of the intended result.

If you don't agree with a lot of what they are saying perhaps you should re-evaluate your support. Saying they want to get back to limited government that was envisioned by the constitution really isn't true.
They have misinterpreted the constitution to fit their philosophy and has little basis in history or law.'constitutional_conservatives'_like_michele_bachmann_and_rick_perry_have_no_respect_for_the_constituti

I think the main danger to our freedoms today are not from big government (although people always need to be watchful) but from people like these that distort reality and history and would use undemocratic means to achieve their own ends. Ends which the vast majority of people would never agree with.
Maybe there should be a new thread about U.S. politics and/or the Tea Party! This thread seems to have strayed pretty far from the devaluation of the peso. It looks like dollars and euros are following Argentina's lead in that respect.

In any political movement there are a lot of different opinions, and anyone who says they are 100% behind some party or another probably has not put much thought into that decision.
captainmcd said:
Maybe there should be a new thread about U.S. politics and/or the Tea Party! This thread seems to have strayed pretty far from the devaluation of the peso. It looks like dollars and euros are following Argentina's lead in that respect.

In any political movement there are a lot of different opinions, and anyone who says they are 100% behind some party or another probably has not put much thought into that decision.

You are correct this really should be a thread all by itself. I think this is about played out for now and another will be started sometime in the future.

One more link about the authoritarianism of the tea party/far right that's dominating the GOP right now. It's an article written by John Dean who was Nixon's legal counsel, a self described Goldwater Conservative, certainly not a lefty liberal source.