Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

John.St said:
captainmcd, you seem to overlook what I wrote "decent folks with what they see as a reasonable agenda".

The danger is not from these decent folks but from their perceived allies, who have an ulterior agenda, e.g. "One nation under God" - 'do not want to impose a state religion'?

Some religions have several deities (so not "under God", but "under Gods"), other religions none (Taoism, Buddhism), the app. 17% irreligious Americans neither.

An unpleasant part of the perceived allies wants to impose a theocracy - when in power.

Rick Perry, presidential candidate, published a book only nine monts ago, in which he deemed almost anything unconstitutional (he forgot to include the military - there ought not to be a federal army, only militias, but he conveniently forgot that).

Now that the guests at the Mad Hatter's Teaparty grumble, he declares that he didn't write what he wrote.
Perry is trying to hide his ulterior agenda and I woun't be surprised if the partygoers swallow that - hook, sink and float.

A review of his weirdest ideas admittedly hostile - can be found here:

Exactly how are you going to control him and his ilk, if they win the election?

I agree and would add the following. Ranger Rick and Mad Michelle believe the tenth amendment of the constitution prohibits the federal government from doing just about everything. This would include all labor laws including child labor, food safety laws, SS, medicare, civil rights laws, U.S. highway system, basically get rid of everything and go back to the 19th century. Folks this is 2011 not 1911, do you really think the public is going to swallow all this and that its not radical? Additionally they want to remove the old fashioned notion of separation of church and state. The state would become the promoter of a specific religion theirs, basically evangelical Christianity. Does anybody believe this is going to fly or that these people have not lost their minds? These are dangerous people with dangerous ideas, they are going to tell you something different to get elected, read their books and prior statements to find out what they are really about.
steveinbsas said:
How is anyone controlling the current president?

He is ruling by executive order, just as some predicted.
Answer the question, and not with a question.
John.St said:
Michelle Bachmann as president?...

...Given the choice I would prefer Mickey Mouse as the president of the US - he is at least sane.

Now that is really Goofy.
John.St said:
Answer the question, and not with a question.

Obama is beginning to rule by executive order.

As I predicted in the thread: Damn the Tea-party, Full Speed Ahead (for a Progresssive President)!

Or should have I said progresssssive?

Michelle Bachmann has a lot more respect for the Constitution than BHO.
Just answer the question: Exactly how are you going to control him [Rick Perry] and his ilk, if they win the election?
steveinbsas said:
My answer was not a question.

He is ruling by executive order.

As I predicted in the thread: Damn the Tea-party, Full Speed Ahead (for a Progresssive President)!
You are not a good reader: "The danger is not from these decent folks [the teabaggers] but from their perceived allies, who have an ulterior agenda"
Philsword said:
I agree and would add the following. Ranger Rick and Mad Michelle believe the tenth amendment of the constitution prohibits the federal government from doing just about everything. This would include all labor laws including child labor, food safety laws, SS, medicare, civil rights laws, U.S. highway system, basically get rid of everything and go back to the 19th century. Folks this is 2011 not 1911, do you really think the public is going to swallow all this and that its not radical? Additionally they want to remove the old fashioned notion of separation of church and state. The state would become the promoter of a specific religion theirs, basically evangelical Christianity. Does anybody believe this is going to fly or that these people have not lost their minds? These are dangerous people with dangerous ideas, they are going to tell you something different to get elected, read their books and prior statements to find out what they are really about.

You are correct, It is 2011. After 100 years of creeping progressssivism we have arrived at the the tipping point.

Where in the world do you get the idea that anyone in the Tea Party want to establish a national religion?...or how they would enforce it?

Do you think they would make you pray?...or go to church?

No one could force me to say "under God" when reciting the pledge of allegiance when I was seventeen.

No one can now (over 44 years later).

I wonder why you are wasting so much time on this site arguing about this.

Do you really think you are going to change anyone's mind about US politics here?

Or portray me as an evil force here in the forum?

Or that it makes any difference?
John.St said:
You are not a good reader: "The danger is not from these decent folks [the teabaggers] but from their perceived allies, who have an ulterior agenda"

Please stop calling them teabaggers.

Would you call gay members of the forum faxxots?

or black members nixxers?

Is ulterior the word you meant to use?
If you don't think these people if elected wouldn't try to force their version of Christinity down your throat read this. This guy is a spokesman for the AFA which was one of the main sponsors of Ranger Ricks prayer meeting a few weeks ago.

I believe its completely insane. Does Rick Perry agree with all this, I don't know, but if he doesn't share their views why is he associating with them? Do we really want to elect people that support this kind of thinking and associate with these kind of people?
John.St said:
Just answer the question: Exactly how are you going to control him [Rick Perry] and his ilk, if they win the election?

OK. I won't be able to control RP if he wins the election.

He may not end up being the candidate, but if is and if he wins, I would prefer to have him as the next President of the United States than see BHO reelected to a second term

Just as I preferred to see Ronald Reagan elected in 1980 rather than Jimmy Carter stay in office.