Why are you worried about my student loans (made quite manageable by the two jobs I've found in the two months I've been here - I was just hired for a gig that pays in USD since my last post)? The second job - for an arts and culture magazine here - pretty much makes my nightlife free, and pays me in pesos. I've living in Palermo Soho and working a job I love at 22 years old. I couldn't possibly be living a similar life in the states right now.
And you must not understand the current state of the US economy if you're mocking recent college grads who haven't been able to find employment in their chosen field. Yes, my friends are working retail (or similarly mind-numbing forms of income) as they constantly interview in pursuit of something relevant. Right now it can take 1-2 years of searching to find something decent.
Not that there's a point to arguing with you about anything...these friends of mine are highly motivated, brilliant people...top of their class, honors program, etc. at a highly regarded state school. I don't look down on them for patiently waiting it out back in the states whatsoever, and that you would do so just exposes your ignorance.