Driver License


Apr 28, 2013
My Canadian D.L. is about to expire in Sep. 2013. I have been a perm-tourist overstayed my visa for 8 years.
I wonder if anyone knows how to get a driver license in Argentina. I could go to Toronto to renew my license before it expires but I am afraid Argentinian immigration would hassle me. Argentina DOES give a temporary D.L. but only valid for the duration of a valid tourist visa. This risks 2 hassles: First the risk to cross border to Uruguay. Second it is temporary and would be valid for only a maximum of 90 days. Any other creative idea for along term solution?
Sorry that this doesn't answer your question, but how can you get a temporary driver's license valid for 90 days with only a tourist visa? My US driver's license recently expired and I'm looking to travel a bit by car.

If your passport have for example 54 days outstanding from your 90 tourist visa, Cuidad de Buenos Aires will allow you to pass a written test and a road test and a physical exam. If successfull they will issue you a Argentinian D.L. valid for 54 days. Ministry of Transportation address is General Roca 5252.
Can you renew your Canadian DL online , have it sent to a friend/relative/lawyer , and they send it here ?
You can if it is lost or stolen, etc etc ... but NOT expired. Ministry of Transportation can send you a replacement directly to your address in BsAs here for the balance of the expiration date. You don`t even have to bother with friend/lawyer/relative. No problem there. The problem is that: after 5 years it expires and they personally have to take your photo in one of their locations. That requires a trip to Toronto. Means facing Argentin Immigration trap.
I am from Florida , and they recently started to allow you to renew expired DL via internet. I think every 10 years or so you must update photo. Sorry I have no other idea's for you. Good Luck !!
Rich One:
To get I.D.L. don`t I need to have a valid D.L. ?
I.D.L. is issued BASED on a valid D.L. (I thought).
They would`t issue an IDL with nothing. Would they?
My Canadian D.L. is about to expire in Sep. 2013. I have been a perm-tourist overstayed my visa for 8 years.
I wonder if anyone knows how to get a driver license in Argentina. I could go to Toronto to renew my license before it expires but I am afraid Argentinian immigration would hassle me. Argentina DOES give a temporary D.L. but only valid for the duration of a valid tourist visa. This risks 2 hassles: First the risk to cross border to Uruguay. Second it is temporary and would be valid for only a maximum of 90 days. Any other creative idea for along term solution?

As far as I remember you can't get an Argentine driving license without a DNI (perm or temporary DNI is fine, but a DNI all the same). And as to renewing at home, well it depends. Have you retained your Canadian residency? if you've managed to (ie are paying taxes, retain your OHIP card etc) then yes you can probably renew, but I don't remember if there is an option to renew online. in BC health cards and driving licenses were still two separate things so I was able to renew my license long after I stopped paying my MSP. however in Ontario I think they are linked, which means that when you try to renew if you can't provide proof of residency you might be screwed. Or if you havent been paying your OHIP they might fine you, not really sure how it would work, have a look on their website and find out if theres any links or Any fines applicable.

It's little things like this that make just going ahead and figuring out a way to get a DNI here easier -- I finally got my Argentine license right before my last trip to Canada because otherwise I would have been driving on an expired license, unable to rent a car etc. Here I rarely drive but when visiting at home it's a necessity.
AAA won't be able to help a Canadian. CAA can issue an IDP (international driver's permit) but it will only be valid until the present license expires.

It's already clear a temporary Argentine license won't help the situation as a temporary license is only valid until the 90 day visa expires.

If there ever was a case to be made for dual citizenship (unless a criminal record stands in the way) I believe this is it.

Even with legal representation, obtaining citizenship (and a DNI) would take at least six months and that won't resolve the driver's license issue before the present license expires unless khairy can travel to Canada and be sure of being allowed to reenter Argentina after starting the citizenship process.

Canada does allow dual citizenship: http://best-citizens...p-countries.htm