Europe Is Alike Argentina 2001

This is what capitalism did to the world, Matias.

2/3 of the humanity living under the poverty line, thousands of million people living with less than a dollar per day and a bunch of multimillionaires, that have thousands of millions dollars in the bank. Thats capitalism.

also war, greed, accumulation of money that they never spend...
Yes, they are lead by the secretary general called Robert Mugabe.
They have a politburo.
They just did the most massive land reform in the history of Africa.
They expelled all the capitalist and nationalized most of the companies.

The results speak for themselves.

2/3 of the humanity living under the poverty line, thousands of million people living with less than a dollar per day and a bunch of multimillionaires, that have thousands of millions dollars in the bank. Thats capitalism.

also war, greed, accumulation of money that they never spend...

No Matias, that is the reality of human life for the past 50 thousand years. Hunger, low life expectancy, disease, lack of sanitation, that was the norm for 99% of humans for all of our history. Capitalism did not create that. That existed before there was money. Before there was even a spoken language. That was our reality for the last 50 thousand years.
It was the the last 200 years that things changed. How many people in Latin America KNOW FOR A FACT that they will eat today? That would be the majority. Do you have any idea what a quantum leap that is? Do you know how rare the certainty of food was throughout human history? Only the most powerful rulers lived under that certainty. Today, even in the villas in Argentina or in the favelas in Brazil, most people know for a fact that they will eat. This fact alone is mind boggling Matias. Today, poor people in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Dominican Republic have a level of food security that was unimaginable for the majority of humans just 200 years ago, never mind 2.000 or 20.000 years ago.
Capitalism and the industrial revolution it brought transformed our lives in ways that your marxist mind can't even begin to comprehend. Yes, there is a lot of poverty, injustice and misery left in the world. But those were not creations of capitalism. They exist mostly in places where capitalism is not allowed in.
So, you re saying that is natural to have a bunch of multi millionaires and starvation on the other hand.

If you redistribute wealth, starvation will finish, and poverty, and misery, and every social problem. And you would not have any richest anymore, you wont have inequalities, you could solve any social problem if you redistribute wealth a little more, but you dont see it like that, for you its ok the world we have, for you its fine the money spent in tha weapon race, or how we are killing the planet... we re klling each other, and killing the planet, and you know why? because of money, because we want to be over the other, because it exisst competition. I repeat, 2/3 of people under the poverty line, and the fortunes to cure that in a couple of thousand people.
What are the Alternate economic measures suggested ???? can you point out a site or article....!! Perhaps to avoid cuts and Print like in Argentina?
You are right. Cuts / less spending to slow down the economy to a crawl is the best measure.
So, you re saying that is natural to have a bunch of multi millionaires and starvation on the other hand.

If you redistribute wealth, starvation will finish, and poverty, and misery, and every social problem. And you would not have any richest anymore, you wont have inequalities, you could solve any social problem if you redistribute wealth a little more, but you dont see it like that, for you its ok the world we have, for you its fine the money spent in tha weapon race, or how we are killing the planet... we re klling each other, and killing the planet, and you know why? because of money, because we want to be over the other, because it exisst competition. I repeat, 2/3 of people under the poverty line, and the fortunes to cure that in a couple of thousand people.

How is wealth created?

Argentina is a case study for destruction of wealth and the social problems brough about by limiting the amount of wealth to be distributed.

Once again, look at the Nordics. Private and public work together to ensure fair distribution of wealth based on fair effort. Why can't this happen here? Why can't Argentina leverage it's enormous natural resources to trade with the world?

Limiting the pot means that people will turn to drastic measures to get their slice of the pie, on one side there will be corruption amongst some of the rich and ruling elite (as is the case here with the current government) and on the other hand there will be theft and organised crime as the disenfranchised reach out for a bigger slice of the pie.

Inflation is driven by limited supply, this limited supply is caused by inefficiency and corruption which are created by isolationist policies.

Be brave, open up to the world and leverage natural resources and food production to secure the country.
So, you re saying that is natural to have a bunch of multi millionaires and starvation on the other hand.

If you redistribute wealth, starvation will finish, and poverty, and misery, and every social problem. And you would not have any richest anymore, you wont have inequalities, you could solve any social problem if you redistribute wealth a little more, but you dont see it like that, for you its ok the world we have, for you its fine the money spent in tha weapon race, or how we are killing the planet... we re klling each other, and killing the planet, and you know why? because of money, because we want to be over the other, because it exisst competition. I repeat, 2/3 of people under the poverty line, and the fortunes to cure that in a couple of thousand people.

You do realize that is a vast oversimplification correct? A simple redistribuition of wealth will solve exactly none of the problems and do nothing except create an even bigge divide between those that have and those that don't. Now if you start talking about a partnership between public and private (institutions and people) to improve education, health, empower people to create their own businesses which leads to an increase in standard of living, take measures to end corruption - those are all great things. And I think you will find many across all ends of the political spectrum will support.

But saying things like money is the root of all evil and if we could just make sure everyone got some, all hte problems would go away is not only naive, it's incredibly divisive.