Europe Is Alike Argentina 2001

5 million people and oil reserves, that's easy.
There are other examples with limited natural resources and a higher population that have implemented the social market economy model. Take Germany: 80 million people.
What Matias would refer to as capitalist and "neoliberal" economic models though around the world, all have social welfare programs, free/subsidised healthcare and education. There is significant wealth redistribution in such economies already.

No, you re wrong. When did I say that?
On the other hand seems that this Recipe of Cuts, is not working in Spain....???
I am not up-to-date on Spain. But the unemployment rate of 26% and youth unemployment of around 56% don't make it look like it is a huge success.
To be honest ... I do not care too much about Matias' definitions. But the neoliberal model is clearly a model that propagates the reduction or even elimination of public spending on welfare, healthcare, education and other sectors. And I think we can agree that both the dominantly neoliberal economies as well as the more social market oriented economies we are talking about here are in their core capitalist systems. And so is Argentina.

Australia is a capitalist economy (as close to you will get) yet also has significant social welfare - significant public spending on welfare, healthcare, education etc. This is the point I am getting at.

Australia and Canada could be great models for Argentina, given the similar resource bases (agriculture, oil, mining commodities etc).
Ok then, is Australia what you would consider neoliberal or capitalist? Canadá?

I dont know Australia, but what I know from Canada is that -I dont know if its from french heritage- but they do have a big state that covers social needs like health and education, unlike other more "oriented to market" states, like England or the US. The nordics for example, have a huge state, the sweddish is the most close to communism I know, they are of course social states.
I dont know Australia, but what I know from Canada is that -I dont know if its from french heritage- but they do have a big state that covers social needs like health and education, unlike other more "oriented to market" states, like England or the US. The nordics for example, have a huge state, the sweddish is the most close to communism I know, they are of course social states.

Canada has a pretty similar economic system to Australia and the USA. It's basically a capital system (well as close as you will get in the world anyway). Like Australia, there is still significant social welfare (health, education, other benefits and payments for low income earners etc). A capitalist economy in this day and age doesn't mean it's citizens get thrown to the wolves, despite what UBA may teach you.
Yes, they are lead by the secretary general called Robert Mugabe.
They have a politburo.
They just did the most massive land reform in the history of Africa.
They expelled all the capitalist and nationalized most of the companies.

The results speak for themselves.

Oh, great, they have become really rich.

Zimbabwe could lend just one of those bills to the US so they can pay all their debts.