Expat Deported At Ezeiza


Jun 14, 2010
A member of this forum was just deported at Ezeiza when he was comming back from visiting the familly.

Advice: never come back on Court hollidays, it is better to flight from Uruguay.
can you please say for what reason he was deported? was he a criminal? Immigration status? Because as posted you make it seem completely random, which I'm sure you don't mean to imply! A little clarification would be far more helpful if your concern is keeping us well informed. I thank you in advance for providing some useful (for us) details...
Live & learn,...

Whenever I'm in BA, I almost always make a brief trip to Uruguay. Nobody has ever questioned me about it, and I've always gotten another 90 days (though I rarely stay quite that long). The same is true when I cross back and forth between Argentina and Chile, which I do frequently in my own (Chilean) car.
I can answer that as he was a good friend of mine, and i spoke to Bajo Cero who tried his best to help us today.
Basically my friend, and fellow forum member, went to Canada for a few weeks and returned as per normal through EZE. bad luck would have him questioned, detained, and ultimately in the next two hours put back on his flight to Toronto. no entry possible.
bad luck all round.
1) as Bajo Cero says, today was the last day of court holidays and Bajo was not able to reach anyone.
2) even if he was to get a judge and try to keep my friend in the country (as he was trying to get citizenship), the plane back to Toronto was 2 hours after he landed. same plane. no time for any real interventions.
3) the immigrations reviewed his passport and saw he had been living here over a few years, with multiple in and outs, some before the 3 month period, some after (fines paid each time). they took him into a detention room. they took his phone. they would not allow him to talk to a lawyer and then marched him to the plane. they asked that he paid his own flight back, but in the end, let him on "for free". it is unsure if air Canada will charge him at a later date.
he was not a criminal, not gainfully employed, enjoying life here on savings but overstaying the legal 3 months time frame.
i don't want to debate if it was right or wrong, only that this is real. it happened and who knows now how and if he can come back.
be careful, things are a changing...
Bad luck - hopefully your friend will come on and fill in the rest of the details. Out of curiosity - if your friend didn't have a phone and wasn't able to contact anyone since he was in the detention and it all happened in 2 hours, how did he reach you to have you contact Bajo?
Six years ago when I used to make Colonia runs I was told on my last trip in immigrations that I wouldn't be allowed in Argentina the next time. Things are slowly changing. They're making it impossible for foreigners who bring money to come and live in Argentina, and support the economy. It's quite sad. International corporations and enterprises are packing their bags and leaving.
2) even if he was to get a judge and try to keep my friend in the country (as he was trying to get citizenship), the plane back to Toronto was 2 hours after he landed. same plane. no time for any real interventions.

Can you please explain how he was trying to get citizenship jumping the residency step? The only case I can think about is if he is the child of an Argentine parent, but it sounds highly unlikely.
Bad luck - hopefully your friend will come on and fill in the rest of the details. Out of curiosity - if your friend didn't have a phone and wasn't able to contact anyone since he was in the detention and it all happened in 2 hours, how did he reach you to have you contact Bajo?

i just realized that wasn't clear. sorry. they took his phone straight away when he was taken to the "room." and left alone. then he had to move to talk to some supervisor. they gave him back his phone. he was secretly texting me, and i was calling Bajo. finally they allowed incoming calls, so Bajo called, but they had already decided to deport and refused to let him talk to them. the rest of the info i got from his texts on the plane before take off.