Hiya everyone,
I work for
Idealist.org, and one of our newer projects is to help people here in Argentina find free and/or low cost opportunities for action.
However, clearly this is only one piece of the puzzle. Another huge piece is whether or not these organizations are a good fit for the person to volunteer at.
And, there are a ton of issues in-between to address, ranging from how to start a nonprofit here to things such as soulskier has mentioned e.g. how to ship clothes here without paying a fortune.
We would love to facilitate more gatherings face-to-face, where anyone interested in community work can come out for a happy hour sort of thing and meet other like-minded people. And hopefully connect, share resources, and more. Basically, we'd love to bring these discussions offline into the real world.
What do you all think? Would you all be interested? And would a once a month after-work hours thing work? We'd be looking to have the first one in December. The model would be something like
Green Drinks.
Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts.