Ezeiza customs

SaraSara said:
That's bad news. I twisted a knee and will come back in a wheelchair, with three suitcases. Not duplicate electronics, however - just clothes, camping equipment, and books all new.


put some mud on your camping equipent :D
Good idea - will do the same with the shoes. Four pairs for my daughter, three for myself. I'll bundle all the black stuff together in one of those wonderful vacuum bags, and vacuum the air away so they look like nothing.

SaraSara said:
Good idea - will do the same with the shoes. Four pairs for my daughter, three for myself. I'll bundle all the black stuff together in one of those wonderful vacuum bags, and vacuum the air away so they look like nothing.


I don't think they will make a fuss about clothes and shoes,... just say you are a fashion queen... :D
Try putting some maloderous non-flammable, non-explosive, non-organic (or the sniffer dogs will go for it) thing in the case/box/bag. Nothing says "don't bother searching" like a foul smell when the contents are being opened. Make sure the stuff you do not to acquire the aroma on is securely self-wrapped in plastic.
Why all these tricks? If you're coming through on a tourist visa, you will have no problems. I brought a ton of electronics on a resident visa with no problem and electronics are the thing they are most on the lookout for.
Thanks, guys - you have set my mind at ease. Will post my next contribution from a Villa Devoto cell.

Well, no stay at the Villa Devoto Hilton for me this time.

My bags were put through the screener, and I was asked where my residence was, and how long I intended to stay in BA. None of the bags was opened, thankfully, as they were all packed tight and crammed with second-hand books that I'd bought at the local library sale. (Thirty books for six dollars, which go to the Library fund: an unbeatable deal, any way you look at it.)

Moreover, as an Argentine-born US citizen, I didn't even have to pay the entrance fee.

Thanks to all who answered - I was really worried this time, with all the climbing and camping equipment I was bringing in. Now it's all strewn over the living room, waiting for my daughter to come pick it up.

But going back to customs, they were a bit more inquisitive than in previous trips, but it seemed mostly for show.
I arrived with my US passport last Saturday via Peru and was made to scan one of my 3 very large pieces of luggage. Other than that I had no trouble whatsoever. Also, I don't have a return ticket to the states but that didn't seem to be a problem either.
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