Ezeiza customs

There is going to be changes at customs checks as I understand everyone luggage will be checked does not matter what, they found a scam running with VIP luggage travelers at Ezeiza in which for a fee (U$S dollars) they (customs, some low life individual employees) will let pass in anything and the kitchen sink literally, by demands of AFIP there will be introducing strict checks on everyone luggage, so be warned.

There was an article in Clarin 06/03/10 with a security surveillance video showing the scam operation from last February, the investigation results and the fixes will be applied asap.
I think the new regulations mean that all luggage will be scanned, but not necessarily opened. It used to be a kind of lottery - you pushed a button, and if the light turned red your bags were checked thoroughly, and if it turned green you just walked out.

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