Falklands Referendum

a huge chunk of airspace vital for the Argentine economy,

Ah so thats why the Argentine economy is failing and its capital city looks like its falling apart!

The responses are getting more and more pathetic.

I'm not sure how many more facts you have to read before you do the intelligent thing and admit that Argentina has very little claim over these islands.
Sure, that's nice, but in the mean time you have to do something about the Islands, specially when you have a military force that projects power over the continent...

How many US military bases are there on the continent? Is Argentina going to 'do something' about them also? Will that 'something' involve pushing a dodgy sovereignty claim in order to take over the host countries and throw out the yanquis?
Sure, that's nice, but in the mean time you have to do something about the Islands, specially when you have a military force that projects power over the continent...
What is the actual size of this "military force that projects power"?
There were UK military there, before Argentina landed in the Islands, and what they have there now is also a component of the Joint Rapid Reaction Force. Do you have any idea of what they have in the Islands and what they been doing ? .
What was the size of the UK military before the 1982 invasion?
My brother, who is a successful businessman in England has volunteered to come over here as the new CEO of Argentina.
I am also possibly interested in staging a coup d'etat, of course purely for the public good.

I'd arrange a nice harem full of porteñas.