Falklands Referendum

The Argentine govt said that the Islanders are British but the territory is not.

Good luck to the Argentine government - they will definitively need it.

What if the UK government said that the Argentinos are Argentine but the country is not?

In both cases: RotFL

Edit. BTW: Is that the same government which says the inflation is 10.8 percent?
The Argentine govt said that the Islanders are British but the territory is not.

But whose 'territory' is Argentinas? The natives that were originally here or the people who immigrated from Europe and killed most of them while stealing their land?
What would you guys do if you were the Argentine govt ? Honestly.
What would you guys do if you were the Argentine govt ? Honestly.

I would focus on trying to manage the land I already have. With price controls, inflation of over 20/25%, exchange-currency controls, prohibitions on imports, devaluation of the national currency every year, lack of foreign investment, poor global image of the country, no allies with power, corruption wherever you look, and I could keep going.. do you really believe the main problem is to try to get back an island located at the end of the world?
I believe the problem for Argentina is the location of the Islands from which you can control most of the maritime traffic and a huge chunk of airspace vital for the Argentine economy, not to mention the proximity to the second most important interoceanic passage in the world. This is a geopolitical conflict and has nothing to do with Argentine internal mismanagement or whatever happened in 1833.
Interesting perspective here:

What would you guys do if you were the Argentine govt ? Honestly.
Make my own country function, use its resources efficiently, become a partner worth dealing with, show good neighbourship + as stated in the above comments.
As opposed the the Argentine myth of an Argentine state existing all the time since 1810 (or 1816), here is a very brief overview.

In 1820 began more than 40 years of civil war, where the united provinces were not united.
- - -
In what is today the state of Argentina, as late as September 1859 there were:

two states (La Confederación and Estado de Buenos Aires) - there had been others during the years
two capitals (Paraná and Buenos Ayres)
two constitutions (1853 (La Confederación) and 1854 (Estado de Buenos Aires)
two presidents (Urquiza in Paraná and Alsina in Estado de Buenos Ayres)
two senats
two congresses

The war between the Confederation and Buenos Aires lasted nearly a decade until, in the Battle of Cepeda (1859), the Argentine Confederation army defeated Estado de Buenos Ayres's army, following which Mitre ultimately abrogated the Pact of San José, leading to renewed civil war.

These hostilities culminated in the Battle of Pavón (1861), and to victory on the part of Bartolomé Mitre and Buenos Ayres over Urquiza's national forces. President Santiago Derqui, who had been backed by Urquiza, resigned and the Argentine Confederation was replaced by the Argentine Republic on 17 December 1861.

Spain did not accept Argentina’s independence until 9 July 1859, when the first “Tratado de Reconocimiento, Paz y Amistad Firmado por la Confederación Argentina con S.M. la Reina de España” was signed in Madrid.