"Fullmettlejaquette" said:
It seems like we are talking politics here, and not so much fast food, not that they aren't related.
Sure, guilty as charged. I'm doing my bit to put some life into this forum. A lot of the posts here are so insipid -- where to get good coffee from, how to get laid (posted a couple of months back) -- that I despair.
I agree with you McDonalds and most fast food sell toxic food. However, face it, eating large fatty steaks everyday as well as pizzas, pastas, and rich Italian ice cream isn't a health food program either.
Ordinarily I'd agree with you. But in the four weeks I was in BsAs, I must have shed twelve pounds without trying. When I look at the waistlines of Argentines and compare them with those of the monstrous and grotesquely obese bodies of Americans in my neck of the woods (Minneapolis), I'm struck by the contrast. Now granted, the North European physique differs from the Mediterranean physique (it's stockier), yet still I feel that diet has a major part to play. 300 pounds here is nothing unusual. Compare that with the lissome frames in Buenos Aires.
It pains me that people throughout the world think American food equals McDonalds or American film culture equals violent blockbuster.
But -- ahem -- isn't there an element of truth in these exaggerations?
Granted all that, I personally have left wing politics but am also pro capitalism and pro personal freedom. I think socialism just doesn't work.
I don't see how left-wing politics can be reconciled with a pro-capitalistic outlook. A word of elaboration, perhaps?
If the worlds masses are so stupid as to fall for the McDonalds image, that is their business. Who am I or you to tell them what they like or that they are stupid and have bad taste, even if that is what we think?
But why stop there? Same argument surely holds for cigarettes as well? Should the state not step in to curb cigarette advertising and marketing to teens? McDonald's is doing exactly the same: it targets the young to make them fast-food junkies, and it puts addictive additives in the food. Hell, why stop there? Legalise heroin selling and marketing as well. Surely that's the logical end result of no-holds-barred laissez-faire capitalism?
A good book came out recently -- I blush to give the title to one of your erudition -- titled, "Supersize This." The author ate nothing but McDonalds for one month. He put on 26 pounds; his blood pressure went throught the roof; he developed the beginnings of liver disease. There should be a government health warning on McDonald's wrappers: Fast Food Kills.
Regarding Argentina, if you aren't Argentinian, I think your opinion counts for nothing, I personally would like any country less that tries to control its population in the way you are suggesting. For example, the way China is censoring the internet sites their people can read is despicable.
My opinion counts for nothing regardless of where I reside. This discussion is just to inject some life into this lacklustre forum and to show the outside world that forum participants can hold a discussion on something other than their palates and libidos.
Surely internet censoring is a different kettle of fish from curtailing the advertising and sales of a malignant American junk-food corporation, no? I'm sure McDonald's would love to hide behind the banner of freedom and democracy (and I'm sure Coke and a Big Mac is what Shrub means when he says, "freedom and democracy."), but need we be deceived by such disingenuous arguments? This is the kind of dishonest reasoning one finds in the books and articles of that NYT nincompoop, Thomas Friedman (e.g.
The Lexus and the Olive Tree).