Filing US taxes


Nov 6, 2009
Is there a way to file US taxes with the embassy or consulate here in Buenos Aires or do I need to FedEx/DHL it to the IRS in the US? Any suggestions on best way to handle this?

Sorry I should have been more specific. Actually I have some amendments to a previous years taxes and I can't file that electronically. I was hoping that I could hand deliver it somewhere here but I have a feeling that may not be the best thing anyway. I'll call the IRS directly and ask just to be sure.

Do you Americans know that the federal income tax is unconstitutional and that there is no law that requires you to file it?
You might try phoning the American consulate before splurging for FedEx. Perhaps there is some kind of arrangement to ferry tax returns before April 14th.

markbsas said:
Sorry I should have been more specific. Actually I have some amendments to a previous years taxes and I can't file that electronically. I was hoping that I could hand deliver it somewhere here but I have a feeling that may not be the best thing anyway. I'll call the IRS directly and ask just to be sure.

SaraSara said:
You might try phoning the American consulate before splurging for FedEx. Perhaps there is some kind of arrangement to ferry tax returns before April 14th.

Exactly. I can't imagine the U.S. embassies/consulates not wanting to facilitate the processing of tax forms, especially during these "hard economic times." :rolleyes:
orwellian said:
Do you Americans know that the federal income tax is unconstitutional and that there is no law that requires you to file it?

and did you know that even if that is true, it doesn't matter and they will come after you?
arty said:
and did you know that even if that is true, it doesn't matter and they will come after you?

Yeah that is also true, although a few cases people have won against the state. But I wouldn't try it myself as some of them are sent away for years to prison. Pretty fucked up they can send you to prison without it being a crime.