Finally, A Real Breakfast In Buenos Aires!

Look, Im not saying its ok, Im just saying its just politics. This is how real world works. The poor people that live in a villa take their sick kids to a puntero cause he is the one that solve these problems. And also because of the ignorance of these people. Some of them do not know anything about hospitals, or how does it work, or what you must do. They just relay on the person who gives them a good portion of the money they earn, and/or social plans. Dont expect these people to have a normal western middle class behaviour, like knowing how the city works, doctors, etc. They are the poorer people from Bolivia and Paraguay, from rural zones, who travelled to another civilization practically. They are surprised with elevators!
Or if they do know, it is way more easy to go to a puntero. They know that they can succeed in the capital, they can get a home, a job, earn much more money than in their home country. They k now that happens, because people they know who came before did that. So there is indeed some progress, thats why they keep coming.

And not necesarily a puntero is a ñoqui. A puntero can be workaholic, they are different things. Ñoqui is the one who does not work and earn a salary (on the 29th they pick it up, thats why they are called ñoquis).

Puntero is people who get immersed into this poverty, into these poor people, and give them solutions expecting votes. Traditionally linked with Peronismo, every party have them today. I know, from the time I worked with Macri, how this operates in Pro, with the villas in Quilmes, with the barra brava de Boca.
Every party, every political leader (Moyano, Barrionuevo, Macri, Massa, Capitanich and a long etc) has these masses. "los muchachos", their own barra brava, thugs.

This work like this wwith the sindicates, with politics, with everything. Is it corruption? Im not sure, it certainly is a drift of how is suppose to work, but nothing works in reality as it is planned, and if we re talking of politics, more.

It is working. This is how Peronista clientelism keeps consecutive generations poor.
This country has a very good democracy where we do not have fraud or fishy elections like the US with your love Bush.

I'm assuming you mean SINCE 1983...because for a few years before that..."Election, what election? We don't need no stinking election."

I gues you're not old enough to know about the fairly recent DICTATORSHIP.

Oddly, we never had one of those in the US.

BTW, I'm no jingoist for USA, but when someone makes a statement so bizarrely messed up as that, I'll jump in.

And how did we get from pancakes to this, anyway?
I'm assuming you mean SINCE 1983...because for a few years before that..."Election, what election? We don't need no stinking election."

I gues you're not old enough to know about the fairly recent DICTATORSHIP.

Oddly, we never had one of those in the US.

No, you never had one of these but presidents murdered.
And by the way, you just need to check out the links between "our anti democratical before 1983 government" and your beloved US.

And how did we get from pancakes to this, anyway?

GS dirtboy transformed a post made by myself into a political debate.
I gues you're not old enough to know about the fairly recent DICTATORSHIP.
Oddly, we never had one of those in the US.

Oh really? Let's review the facts.
Habeas Corpus is dead, Obama killed it formally, after Bush abused it to death in secret
Our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble is dead, Obama killed it.
The entire Fourth Amendment is completely dead.
We have secret courts, which meet in secret, and issue verdicts in secret.
US Citizens have been assassinated by Presidential decree, without judicial process. No conviction, no trial, no arraignment or even a formal charge. The sixteen-year old son of Anwar Awlaki, a native-born US citizen, was specifically assassinated by drone strike two weeks after his dad was killed. When asked why this was done, Presidential spokesweasel Robert Gibbs replied, "I guess he should have had a better father". Say WHAT?
And then we were treated to the incredibly bizarre spectacle of the US Attorney General trying to explain to us that due process does not necessarily mean judicial process. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over?

I ask you, what would George Washington have had to say about this? Robert Madison? Thomas Jefferson?
Could someone please explain Bisquick to me? Pancake batter takes all of 4 minutes to fix from scratch. Does Bisquick add some kind of chemical goodness that I can't get otherwise, or is it just the breakfast equivalent of dehydrated water?

PS same goes for Betty Crocker cake mix
You can make anything from scratch, even cars. If you only knew how.
When the President can declare war and send military troops into foreign countries without the approval of Congress we are getting pretty damn close to a dictatorship.