Finally, A Real Breakfast In Buenos Aires!

Lunch break in the USA: "Hey guys ... whaddaya want to eat today? Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Thai, Chinese, Seafood, pizza, a diner, or should we hit the Jewish deli?"

Lunch break in Buenos Aires: "Hey guys, whaddaya want to eat today? Milanesa, pizza, empenadas, or pasta?"

Only four options gets kinda old after two weeks.
Lunch break in the USA: "Hey guys ... whaddaya want to eat today? Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Thai, Chinese, Seafood, pizza, a diner, or should we hit the Jewish deli?"

Lunch break in Buenos Aires: "Hey guys, whaddaya want to eat today? Milanesa, pizza, empenadas, or pasta?"

Only four options gets kinda old after two weeks.

but, but, forgot the Chinese lunch deal and choripan, parillada but yeah I know what you're saying.
you guys complain about the current food scene in BsAs? you have no idea, what this city used to be till the 90s, when the international food came to stay, when Palermo and its bars and ethnic restaurants started, when even McDonalds came for the first time! (or at least got popular).

You have to be possitive :) and always keep in mind that this is the best BsAs have had in its history, this is the futher we have gone. Some people could not even believe that there are thai food restaurants, or sushi... not to talk of not having the habits...

So pretty much you must know you re experiencing something new in this city -not the traditional BsAs.

ps; and you forgot a very local dish, REVUELTO GRAMAJO, did anybody tasted it?
you guys complain about the current food scene in BsAs? you have no idea, what this city used to be till the 90s, when the international food came to stay, when Palermo and its bars and ethnic restaurants started, when even McDonalds came for the first time! (or at least got popular).

You have to be possitive :) and always keep in mind that this is the best BsAs have had in its history, this is the futher we have gone. Some people could not even believe that there are thai food restaurants, or sushi... not to talk of not having the habits...

So pretty much you must know you re experiencing something new in this city -not the traditional BsAs.

ps; and you forgot a very local dish, REVUELTO GRAMAJO, did anybody tasted it?

you guys complain about the current food political/economic scene in BsAs Argentina? you have no idea, what this city country used to be till the 90s K's, when the international food democracy came to stay, when Palermo Néstor and its bars his friends and ethnic restaurants Campora started, when even McDonalds Bolivians came voted for the first time! (or at least got popular free land).

You have to be possitive :) and always keep in mind that this is the best BsAs Argentina have had in its history, this is the futher we have gone. Some people could not even believe that there are thai food restaurants open elections, or sushi opposition parties ... not to talk of not having the habits...

So pretty much you must know you re experiencing something new in this city country, not the traditional BsAs Argentina.


ps: Sorry Matias, I couldn't resist. :)
you guys complain about the current food political/economic scene in BsAs Argentina? you have no idea, what this city country used to be till the 90s K's, when the international food democracy came to stay, when Palermo Néstor and its bars his friends and ethnic restaurants Campora started, when even McDonalds Bolivians came voted for the first time! (or at least got popular free land).

You have to be possitive :) and always keep in mind that this is the best BsAs Argentina have had in its history, this is the futher we have gone. Some people could not even believe that there are thai food restaurants open elections, or sushi opposition parties ... not to talk of not having the habits...

So pretty much you must know you re experiencing something new in this city country, not the traditional BsAs Argentina.


ps: Sorry Matias, I couldn't resist. :)

you guys complain about the current food political/economic scene in BsAs Argentina? you have no idea, what this city country used to be till the 90s K's, when the international food democracy came to stay, when Palermo Néstor and its bars his friends and ethnic restaurants Campora started, when even McDonalds Bolivians came voted for the first time! (or at least got popular free land).

You have to be possitive :) and always keep in mind that this is the best BsAs Argentina have had in its history, this is the futher we have gone. Some people could not even believe that there are thai food restaurants open elections, or sushi opposition parties ... not to talk of not having the habits...

So pretty much you must know you re experiencing something new in this city country, not the traditional BsAs Argentina.


ps: Sorry Matias, I couldn't resist. :)

Give that man a Dr Pepper!
you guys complain about the current food political/economic scene in BsAs Argentina? you have no idea, what this city country used to be till the 90s K's, when the international food democracy came to stay, when Palermo Néstor and its bars his friends and ethnic restaurants Campora started, when even McDonalds Bolivians came voted for the first time! (or at least got popular free land).

You have to be possitive :) and always keep in mind that this is the best BsAs Argentina have had in its history, this is the futher we have gone. Some people could not even believe that there are thai food restaurants open elections, or sushi opposition parties ... not to talk of not having the habits...

So pretty much you must know you re experiencing something new in this city country, not the traditional BsAs Argentina.


ps: Sorry Matias, I couldn't resist. :)

Then ist me the one who talks always of politics. It was an innocent comment of food in BsAs.

And dont get what you say. You should have lived in this country under other governments. This is the best government in Argentine history, probably with Alfonsin (despite the way it ended). It is better than the militars, than Menem, than the third Peron. And we have to go to the 60s to find something similar.

whats the problem Boivians voting, could you explain? or are you a racist xenophobic that think Bolivians come here to steal argentine work? Whats the problem if they get free land? dont they deserve a decent place to live, better than a villa? whats the problem with open elections? This country has a very good democracy where we do not have fraud or fishy elections like the US with your love Bush.