First Jury In Argentine History.

I think jury trials would be good for answers civil cases, cases regarding corruption, and cases of judicial review.
Usually, in jury trials, the jury is chosen and the trial starts. This means you would have to find a way to get to the jurors and bribe them once a trial starts. That's a very short window. The judge, however, is over the whole process and it can take a while. Plus usually the jury is sequestered off from people, especially in cases where there is a lot of press. It's not impossible to bribe a jury, but neither is it so easy. It's not too difficult to bribe a judge though.
I believe a jury trial makes much more sense than putting all the power to decide a man's fate in the hands of an employee of any government, much less in the hands of just one person, appeals or no after the fact.. I like the idea of distributing power away from any one person as much as possible, particularly when a person's life is in the balance.