Flouride In Bottled Water, Can You Buy Any Without?

WTF, again some of you don't get it. This is about CHOICE.

How exactly does this work... if i choose not to believe ONE science, then someone tried to shove some OTHER, more mainstream science down my throat, and if i don't buy that data then i must be a wierdo...is that right? Why is it that there is so much discussion and bullying to belittle someone to change their point of view.

The OP clearly stated that he/she is against fluoridation of water, yet the obviously MORE SUPERIOR intellects simply MUST guide this poor lost soul to the more enlighten side of science. Have some respect eh! The OP is asking for something and not getting it with the off topic banter.
There is no true science anymore, it's opinion based on the data that one is looking for and the rest is scrapped. So do you believe Harvard studies, Government, ADA? Seems like the eggheads can't agree amongst themselves... so then it's back to CHOICE... who has the more compelling argument. Who is independent and who is sponsored (and by whom)?

And yes, I'm a layman; that doesn't mean that i will accept whatever is being presented to me and nobody should...but i'll be damned if i will be pressured into accepting something just because it's the science of the day. It's like the cold-fusion thing in the 80's. Some researchers reproduced the findings, others didn't... in the end it was scrapped, but what was the truth about the whole thing? Does anyone really know?
So science cannot produce conclusive results from one camp to another... then it's not a real science then is it. Then it comes back to CHOICE. Weigh the facts and decide for yourself and have some respect for a persons right to choose.
As it was explained to me by some guy employed in state water distributor for chemical analysis, flour is not dangerous and, supposedly, has some not yet proven good effects on teeth. However, he told me that it's far to expensive to add flour, to maybe improve dental health. Studies are much in favor of flour in dental pasts and regular checks,according to his words.

How and why Argentina find money to sponsor that nonsense is beyond me...
As it was explained to me by some guy employed in state water distributor for chemical analysis, flour is not dangerous and, supposedly, has some not yet proven good effects on teeth. However, he told me that it's far to expensive to add flour, to maybe improve dental health. Studies are much in favor of flour in dental pasts and regular checks,according to his words.

How and why Argentina find money to sponsor that nonsense is beyond me...

Argentine water around Buenos Aires is naturally fluorinated and it is proven to help prevent cavities.
Bottled water may not be the best way to go; I've looked at several national brands and they have different levels of fluoride.
Brew your own, there are reverse osmosis filter systems available in BA which claim to be one of the ways to remove fluoride from water. They don't go cheap though.
I've posted some places that sell this apparatus before.

bloody annoying the comments re: nazi this or that or conspiracy theory. if you think so, then quietly feel superior and giggle to yourselves about the crazies. People can choose to believe what they wish to believe.

What Ive noticed about some people is they go out of there way to call you names, or mock people seeking better health, natural food, why?

Dont they have better things to do than post here where someone is asking a simple question, why didnt they just ignore my post and go about their day?

So me, i choose not to drink it, and I am thankful to those sending me helping links!
Argentine water around Buenos Aires is naturally fluorinated and it is proven to help prevent cavities.

The naturally fluoridate water is calcium fluoride different from sodium fluoride. By the way your usage above should have been fluoridated instead of "fluorinated." Read the various studies of how fluoride reduces your capacity for abstract thought, IQ

The only so called proof it helped cavities was "proven" by the same companies selling sodium fluoride to governments in order to get rid of their waste products. All the studies performed by independant sources show fluoride is toxic.
WTF, again some of you don't get it. This is about CHOICE.

How exactly does this work... if i choose not to believe ONE science, then someone tried to shove some OTHER, more mainstream science down my throat, and if i don't buy that data then i must be a wierdo...is that right? Why is it that there is so much discussion and bullying to belittle someone to change their point of view.

The OP clearly stated that he/she is against fluoridation of water, yet the obviously MORE SUPERIOR intellects simply MUST guide this poor lost soul to the more enlighten side of science. Have some respect eh! The OP is asking for something and not getting it with the off topic banter.
Then it comes back to CHOICE. Weigh the facts and decide for yourself and have some respect for a persons right to choose.

BRAVO, your right its about choices for me and my family!
The chemical leaked from plastic water bottles is probably more of a threat to your health than fluoride.

My dentist here used to always give me a fluoride treatment, but years ago I told her I don't want it anymore. Not that I'm afraid of fluoride, but that it tastes like shit. I rarely have cavities so it's not a problem.

Your dentist always told you to SPIT it out didnt they?

Why if its so good for you?
Thanks to those of you who helped in my endeavor, and a special "love you" to all those who wish to attack and disparage. I pray God blesses you and enlightens you!
You're right, you don't.


Wake up sheople still, right?

If you cant tell me the water that doesn't have fluoride or do something constructive, why post?

Why go out of your way to waste your precious time?

If you cant do something positive please ignore my THREAD asking for help and do something better with your time!

Do something positive help people instead of attacking or disparaging them!!

If you cant tell me the water that doesn't have fluoride or do something constructive, why post?

Why go out of your way to waste your precious time?

If you cant do something positive please ignore my THREAD asking for help and do something better with your time!

Do something positive help people instead of attacking or disparaging them!!
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