Foreign credit cards purchases at MEP rate

I was going to give an update on current MEP charge but it seems rappi will not accept my card anymore. Worked fine for a day and then it rejects all my cards even when I already did the authentication process. I contacted support and no luck.

That is strange. A friend of mine arrived from Ecuador a few days ago and has had no problems with her Ecuadorean card.
I'm using a visa card from Australia the good rate is charged straight away and so far its about 92 % what I would get transferring money from Australia through western union not including fees. Very convenient I won't even have to bother with WU
Citibank debit? That's usually market rate but never tried in Argentina.
That is strange. A friend of mine arrived from Ecuador a few days ago and has had no problems with her Ecuadorean card.
Seems like talking to support and waiting a few days solved it, they deleted all my payment methods and I was able to add another card and authenticate it, fingers crossed it doesn't happen again.
Scratch that, only one of my mastercards works for some reason. All the visa cards that previously worked do not work on uber or rappi. It's a pain since I can't know exact exchange rate with MC until some days later.