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- Nov 7, 2023
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I admit that I made a mistake by using the word "femicide" here. The correct term I should have used is "violence against women". Sorry about that.I said republican institutions: separation of powers. Now you confuse democratic with theocratic institutions where private life is a public matter.
You are changing the facts here, you invented a femicide. Nobody died. A murder is a crime of public action where everybody has the duty to denounce and all the public officers to prosecute.
However, family matters like domestic violence are a private business in secular societies where judges have no poder unless the victim submits a formal denunciation (arts. 19 and 20 NC). This is what difference Medieval Ages from modernity. But there is a clear regression in society.
But the rest of your post is hilarious. "Theocratic," "Medieval Ages"? LMAO! What do you smoke in the morning?
The executive branch I mentioned in my post is one of the three branches of a democracy. But the best part is your view that domestic violence is "private business"! That’s priceless. This says a lot about you!
And the most shocking thing is that you claim to be a lawyer. Yet here I am, a regular citizen, having to explain it to you.
Link: https://servicios.infoleg.gob.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/150000-154999/152155/norma.htm
ARTICULO 18. — Denuncia. Las personasque se desempeñen en servicios asistenciales, sociales, educativos y desalud, en el ámbito público o privado, que con motivo o en ocasión desus tareas tomaren conocimiento de un hecho de violencia contra lasmujeres en los términos de la presente ley, estarán obligados aformular las denuncias, según corresponda, aun en aquellos casos en queel hecho no configure delito.
It clearly states here in Article 18 that these individuals must report any such act, meaning that authorities can be informed about a situation even if the victim does not file a formal complaint.
And now, regarding your ridiculous claim that a judge has no power unless the victim reports the crime. See Article 22:
ARTICULO 22. — Competencia. Entenderáen la causa el/la juez/a que resulte competente en razón de la materiasegún los tipos y modalidades de violencia de que se trate.
Aún en caso de incompetencia, el/la juez/a interviniente podrá disponer las medidas preventivas que estime pertinente.
Aún en caso de incompetencia, el/la juez/a interviniente podrá disponer las medidas preventivas que estime pertinente.
This clearly implies that judges can act in cases of domestic violence to protect the victim, even if the victim does not press charges.
If you had been watching the news lately on channels other than C5N or reading newspapers other than Pagina 12, you would have heard/read experts discussing this topic and explicitly stating that judges can act without the victim reporting the crime in this case.
Let me know if you need more info... I’d be happy to Google it for you.