Well I'll just quickly weigh in here and try not to disturb anyone.
I think Francis getting the title is interesting. I don't know what I really think of him but I do like the anti-poverty
and frugal, more down to Earth persona. I do however think he needs to work harder at reforming the
Roman Catholic Church Inc. and it's subsidiaries around the globe.
I wish that the state and it's institutions were non-religious here. I don't like the fact that there are pictures/cards
of Mary or Jesus in the police station or that the Church is even referenced in the constitution. I also think that
Churches should not but tax exempt as they benefit from the services of the state while pushing and advocating
an agenda, whether I agree with it or not.
As for respecting religious beliefs, I think there is a fine line to walk. I don't believe that all components of all
religions should be respected, such as homophobia, misogyny, violence, 100% unquestioned obedience,
forced wearing of certain clothes or religious paraphernalia. I respect peoples beliefs but that does not give
you a right to force them upon others.
Regarding kids, I don't believe in forcing them go to religious services or baptizing them, etc. as this removes
the right of the child to have a free choice in what they believe is right for them. I think it is important to educate
kids that there are multiple religions, no single one is the correct one and just because the family members
practice one doesn't mean it is right either. I think it is also important to teach kids that being agnostic or
atheist is ok too and that it does not make them bad people.
Morals and the like do not come from religion. There is no proof of this at all and even Francis/others have
said that the morally superior person is the one who lives their live to the betterment of humanity irregardless
of their religion or lack there of.
Finally, what am I? I don't know. I am a non-practicing Christian. I guess the closest branches of
Christianity to me are Quakers and Unitarians. I think the most important thing you can do with
religion is find the one that works for you and follow it. As long as you don't violate the rights of
others you can worship anything or anybody you want all day long as far as I care, but I do worry
about the spread of fanaticism in American and European Christians and Subsaharan Muslims.
You have to be a relativist to do what you suggest. Anyone who follows orthodox Christianity, Judaism or Islam is going to believe that their children MUST be raised in their faith and will not consider agnosticism or atheism to be good.