Francisco Time Mag. Person Of The Year..

If you are trying to discover God using the scientific method you won't find what you are looking for ... and therefore you'll be convinced he doesn't exist.

You also will not find love, hate, or for that matter "rational thought" using the scientific method.
If you are trying to discover God using the scientific method you won't find what you are looking for ... and therefore you'll be convinced he doesn't exist.

You'll never find anything that doesn't exist but you might think you have done so, if you're easily convinced by a book of fairy tales.
You'll never find anything that doesn't exist but you might think you have done so, if you're easily convinced by a book of fairy tales.

Really? Let's talk rationally. Things that "don't exist" are found all the time. They are generally called discoveries or breakthroughs.
The only thing that doesn't exist is the rationality of those who use one line statements to pontificate instead of using arguments to try to prove their point.

Unquestioning theism doesn't really deserve much more than one-liners, but there's a good list of suggestions at More than two centuries ago, Percy Bysshe Shelley noted "in his essay 'The Necessity of Atheism,' that 'God is an hypothesis, and, as such, stands in need of proof: the onus probandi rests on the theist.'"

Dog, however, is not simply a hypothesis.
If you assume I have never questioned the existence of God then you greatly underestimate me. :)

Questioning the existence of a fairy-tale figure should be the default option, at least for anybody older than about ten.
He rides a Harley, therefore this bloke is more than just cool.