Free Health Coverage For All In The City Of Buenos Aires

Foreigners/tourists/passer-bys/first world passport holders/dollar holding guys.. who dont pay taxes here, have no business lining up to avail public health care.

As simple as that.

It is like in Europe, anybody has access to public healthcare. Free for emergencies to all, inexpensive for non urgent exams.
There are a lot of foreigners in Italy who have their parents/family to come over to be treated or have surgery, and then head back home.

Public healthcare doesn't care where you are from, how much do you earn or if you earn, at all. Let alone if you pay taxes. It is based on ethics, not on its commercial viability.
Really? so who pays for it?

Taxes do, but the point is that a doctor isn't (and IMHO shouldn't be) a salesperson.
Let the political folks figure out how to maintain that system!
If you live here and buy things, you're paying taxes. :p

Indeed! When you buy something, you pay IVA, and the IVA makes up the largest percentage of money (excluding social security) that the AFIP (Argentine tax authority) brings in every month.

Also, as we all know, what the government doesn't have, it prints. That produces inflation, and we all pay that too.

There is no free lunch, not even for people who live here as tourists with dollar incomes.
Probably the same way as other public services are financed like police, firefighters, ... - or should those also only be available for people who pay taxes?

In Congo, when we go to apply for a Schengen visa to go to Europe , first thing we are asked, buy a health insurance for coverage of your stay and it should include ambulance transfer to your home country.
In Congo, when we go to apply for a Schengen visa to go to Europe , first thing we are asked, buy a health insurance for coverage of your stay and it should include ambulance transfer to your home country.

I am not sure I understand it correctly. In Congo, congolese citizens (presumably paying taxes there) are asked if they have a health insurance that will carry them back to Congo in case of emergency abroad in order to obtain a VISA to Europe?
You must have first class healthcare service if they are so scrupulous in checking that only who has the money has a right to being treated/saved/rescued!

Or maybe the taxes paid to the congolese government are not to be used in case of emergency to rescue a citizen abroad? Sounds like money well spent. Kudos!