Frinks - October 1st - Reconquista

freddie1406 said:
I am a Cambridge undergrad here on a year abroad working, and arrived on Wednesday and don´t know anyone here yet! So will try to make it along this evening to say hi!

Oh you are way to young kiddo..the "Cambridge undergraduate" qualifier speaks volumes....yours in hysterics MA, MSC Cdipaf..jajaja!
LATE NEWS - It seems that despite actually going to The Pub on Wednesday to check they have "Happy Hour/After Office" - and being told that they would be happy to see a group of folk, when early arrivals got there, they were hit with a 30 Peso Door Charge..... Not happy with that idea, and some headed off to Down Town Matias instead -

Will be rethinking potential Frinking Venues..... Apologies to all.....
Roxana said:
Down Town Matias, which one? the Retiro one?

Yes, I believe so - Sorry about the mix up -

It's true, I couldn't organise a pi** up in a brewery!
pez said:
Any update on tomorrows Frinking venue?

Your wish is my command - See new post, heading back to the Gibraltar for pre marathon carbo loading :)...