I would follow gpop recommendations, turning heater off and on many times is not a good idea, the pieces are not always made of a good quality material and if it does not turn on, it is going to be a headache for you. A plumber once advised me to set the heater in the "pilot" position after taking a shower (after using it during several minutes), and once the "Calefon" is in pilot position to open the hot water tap in the kitchen, or any other tap below the heater height (not the shower tap), so that cold water can flow through the heater in order for the tartar not to be accumulated. If you do this, very hot water will flow for very few seconds (do not touch the water for a while) and the heater will be cold without tartar, I do this sometimes to prolong the life of the heater, but not always, what the plumber told me once was something that makes sense to me and I do sometimes, but not always as he recommended because it requires some effort. Definitely I would not turn it off and on every day, it is one of the biggest headaches when this stops working and a mess in your apartment if this needs to be replaced.