Most of you are a bunch of spoiled brats with what you pay for electricity and other utilities. In Southern California, it's just two of us, and we pay about $200 dollars each month for electricity. In the summer, when I turn the a/c on, it's twice as much. And you pay $10 per month? Spoiled, spoiled!!!!
Water? We have a small yard, and we pay about $100 dollars each month. We don't flush the toilet each time, and we have water restricted in our showers, so barely any comes out when you shower. Because of the severe drought, our water use has gone done about 30%. We have a yellow lawn. But, the bill amount is the same. Go figure!!!
Cable TV and Internet? $210 dollars each month and we don't have any of those fancy recorders.
ABL? I pay about $1,000 dollars in Buenos Aires. In my house in S. California, I pay five times that amount in property taxes, and that does not include garbage collection. That's another bill.
When I go to San Francisco and use Bart (the underground), it's a minimum of like $5 anywhere you go. The bus? Minimum is $2.50
And don't get me started on what I have to pay for insurance: homeowners, auto, workmen's compensation, and so on.
However, in general, we tend to earn more money here in the USA than you do in Argentina, but when it comes to utilities and transportation costs, you guys are in heaven!