I am not saying I don't like subsidio, the stake I get for exactly this amount goes nicely down my throat. But still would prefer coming home knowing there is electricity and certainly I wouldn't miss this feeling lying in my bed, hoping electricity will be back in the morning and I won't have to carry all my food to friends house. It doesn't happen often and never for long time, but still you can not be sure ...
Termotanque: If I would be somewhere else, I would already put it on 40ºC with timer, but here I don't care, too much hassle. At first I was saving electricity everywhere possible, but then you see the bill and neighbors and found it silly, that I would be the only sucker saving the world. I still care about it, but where is my comfort involved, I don't care much anymore.
However, my new termotanque is quite good (the old one exploded after warranty expired), is only 50l and I run it on 60ºC the most, which is enough for us, so we are using even less electricity than before (it is actually reflected on consumption - it always shows we are using less than previous years).
I am waiting they hit me with reality, to start sparing energy again