I'm with Edesur. I have a pretty large apartment, 170 sm, with 3 bedrooms, an office, living room, dining room, dependencia. We don't use air conditioning hardly ever (one in the living room hardly puts out enough air for the room when doors to balcony are closed, one in the bedroom is too noisy), but I have a couple of computers and one or two high-consuming pieces of equipment. Our water is heated from the boiler in the building and our stove/oven is gas I think my biggest problem is 3 young ladies who never turn lights off, no matter how much I holler at them about it, as I go through the house at all hours turning off lights behind them...
kWh = 1297
Rate = 0.372
My actual usage costs are 482.48. My actual bill is 1,237.67 for two months.
Paying almost three times my usage in taxes and such. Here's a summary:
Cargo Fijo = 24.91
Usage = 482.48
Res. ENRE 347/12 Inv. & Mant. = 73.77
Factor de Estabilizacion = 34.53
(*) A Cta. ajuste anual FE = 128.94
Contribucion munical (.06383) = 47.53
IVA = 156.37
Fdo Prov Sta Cruz = 4.47
C. Res SE745/05 Estabiliz. = 243.41
(*) A Cta. ajuste anual FEP = 41.26
Obviously, no subsidio.
So, for me at the blue rate, my bill costs me in dollars (since I earn in dollars, makes sense to compare for me) is roughly $82 USD for two months.
In Houston, in the summertime, I'd pay as much as $500 USD for electricity per month (old, 2000 sf house that leaked like a sieve). Here, I'm paying a gnat's ass over $40 USD per month. i can't complain - too much.
But ya gets what ya pays for, that's for sure. While I live in a neighborhood where electrical outages are not nearly as common as in other places, it sure happens quite a bit. Often only for a few hours at a time, though recently we were without electricity to important things like the water pump to the building (three phase breaker blew when we lost all electricity once for a few hours and they couldn't get Edesur out to fix the three phase breaker). We didn't have water for nearly a week - doing what Mikic007 described - going down to street level, filling our buckets and hauling them up (fortunately only!) 4 flights of stairs to fill the bathtubs so we could at least have water to flush toilets and wash ourselves off. Not to mention the bottles of water we bought for cooking, washing dishes, brushing teeth, etc., as well as the money we spent for sending our clothes to the lavanderia for nearly a week (for five of us) because the money I spent on a washing machine was wasted for a time due to lack of water.
I don't know how less-fortunate folk deal with water outages due to electricity (not to mention being without lights, etc) so often!
It's a shame the economy isn't better so people can make more money so nearly everyone can afford to pay what it actually costs to maintain the infrastructure so that services can actually be dependable...