Getting Sufficient Funds Into Arg To Buy A Car

I do believe you can bring in a car free of taxes up to a certain amount if I am not mistaken. I believe it is $15,000 or something like that, and after that number they start to charge you a 50% tax. You then still have to pay the shipping fee.

One option might be to buy a used/older high end car that is less than that number, (they use blue book for value), and then you would have a high end car, which when used, is still extremely valuable here as cars do not devalue like they do in the USA.

It might be worth it to at least verify if it's the case.
Thanks, Stomper, Your routine is what I have followed for some years now. Works well. I've always adhered to the 10K limit too (so as not to tempt fate!) And then I could become chums with my local cajero to make up the difference (poco a poco). Appreciate your input!