Getting to the Airport


Mar 16, 2011
What is the easiest/cheapest way to get to the International Airport? We are very familiar with using the bus system in the city and would prefer that as our mode of transport.
Any insight?
take the bus number 8 (ocho in spanish), the one that has a little red poster in the lower right front windshield that says "aeropuerto". You may catch it in the intersection of 9 de Julio and Rivadavia, or anywhere down the latter avenue. Hope it helps
Cool. Gracias.
We are in Las Canitas and can easily find our way there.
glasgowjohn said:
not a lot of space on no 8 for bags and suitcases though........

the bus arrives almost empty at the aforementioned location; I´ve seen many travellers manage to carry their lugagge in the rush hours
Oh! any idea if this service is running on weekends? We are picking up friends on Sat. and have found transport that is Mon-Fri only.
as far as I know the said bus runs every day of the week but the frequency of the service on weekends is lower than on business days.
If you're going there to pick them up and have a few hours to spare, take the bus. But I would not recommend taking the bus back. As I'm sure you're aware, buses are quite prone to pickpocketing. When that bus goes through province, I would say that having huge suitcases would make pretty nice targets. It's doubtful that anything would happen, but I'm sure the several colectiveros who have had their fingers cut off by thieves thought the same thing.