Going Green In Buenos Aires


Sep 12, 2005
So I went to the Green Film Festival last night and it has inspired me to try and find ways to reduce the amount of trash we produce in our apt. Does anyone know about recycling options here?? Or other ways that I can be more green. It seems to be a lot easier in first world countries where recycling is the norm and there are supermarkets where you can buy things by weight and put them into your own tupperwares instead of coming home with bags of polystyrene and plastic. Not really sure where or how to start here! Any suggestions welcome!
Bring your own cloth bags to the supermarket.
When you do get the plastic bags, recycle them and use them more than once.
Use public transport instead of a car.
Even better than bus/subte - walk or ride a bicycle.
If you have your laundry done, go to The Laundry Company (the only eco-friendly laundry in BsAs)
There is recycling done here but the cartoneros take it all. Make life easy and separate your glass/cardboard/etc for them and put it in separate bags.
Plastic bags and bottles can be turned into "eco-ladrillos" (eco-bricks) which you can then take down to NGOs.
How to: https://plus.google.com/u/1/100955025330922200193/posts/SNQ6Rpu72NS
Where: they receive the eco-bricks at their office: http://www.facebook.com/ChacrasdeBuenosAires or on Sundays at their booth at the Feria de Consumo Responsable de Diagonal SUR (http://agendacultural.buenosaires.gob.ar/evento/feria-de-consumo-responsable----------------/7336)

In Buenos Aires city there's a mobile recycling center where you can take most recyclables. Check the website to find out it's current location: http://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/areas/med_ambiente/apra/cvm/cvm.php?menu_id=34963

Both Jumbo and Carrefour have big containers where they receive tetrabrik carton packages.

Fundación Garrahan receives "tapitas" (plastic bottle caps), bronze keys and paper.

This webpage helps you find/add the nearest place for your recyclables: http://www.dondereciclo.org.ar/

More info: http://dondehogar.blogspot.com.ar/p/sitios-de-interes.html
Wow!! Mjohnstone - thats fantastic info!! Thanks so much! :D
I sepárate my reciclables and put them in green bags while I put the trash in the black bags and I throw them in their respective dumpsters.
I have seen entire houses constructed of recycled plastic bottles in the remote areas of Mendoza province. No sh*t!