Going rate for a house cleaner

We have someone who comes in for four hours once a week as per our rental contract. If we want her for longer, the rate is $55 per hour. In the last place we had, I was told by the "mucama" that she got $25/hour. Therefore, if you are contracting directly with someone, a win/win for both parties would be about $35 per hour.
i pay 625 a month for a 6 hour visit every monday (whether the month has 4 or 5 mondays)... plus i pay her holiday and the extra month (divided in two parts) She does all cleaning ironing (i have almost all washed before she gets there and drying..on the lines...had her now 20 years :)
Ours gets $80 total, for 3 hours of work once a week.

I should also mention that a porteña friend says she never employs mucamas who have worked for foreigners because we spoil them and they expect to be overpaid!

Sorry, but your porteña friend kind of makes me want to throw up. Most mucamas travel an hour or more each way, in truly crappy TBA conditions, to scrub up our grime, and Argentines think they should be grateful to earn less than the current price of a cafe con leche. They abuse the system because they can ("slave wages or unemployment, take your pick"), and then complain when the maids turn around and abuse the system right back. I actually have an Argentine friend in Italy who complained that she can't afford to have another child, because in Europe, "help is so expensive compared to Buenos Aires!" (after getting sued by the illegal immigrant she had working en negro.) Yes, damn that first world and its livable minimum wage...
Starlucia - I agree but there are a lot of foreigners who overpay.

And jim - yes, the 15.79 is the legal hourly rate for someone who works hourly, usually a few hours a week. If you look at the monthly rate (take an average of 2500 pesos), it works out to be much less than that. So paying your maid 18-20 pesos hourly for fulltime work would be well above average.
starlucia said:
Ours gets $80 total, for 3 hours of work once a week.

Sorry, but your porteña friend kind of makes me want to throw up. Most mucamas travel an hour or more each way, in truly crappy TBA conditions, to scrub up our grime, and Argentines think they should be grateful to earn less than the current price of a cafe con leche. They abuse the system because they can ("slave wages or unemployment, take your pick"), and then complain when the maids turn around and abuse the system right back. I actually have an Argentine friend in Italy who complained that she can't afford to have another child, because in Europe, "help is so expensive compared to Buenos Aires!" (after getting sued by the illegal immigrant she had working en negro.) Yes, damn that first world and its livable minimum wage...

The other day I was sitting in a sidewalk café watching a “street performer”. At each red light cycle he entered the intersection, did his routine (pretending to be an old man falling, and then jumping up and dancing) and then collected money from the people in the cars waiting at the red light. Since I was just sitting there, I began to pay closer attention; the red light lasted exactly 2 minutes, so this guy did 30 “shows” per hour. I thought, gee, if he averages $0.75/show, that’s $22.50/hour.

After I finished my pizza and beer, and he was in between shows, I walked over and gave him $2 (because I had seen several shows during the hour or so sitting there) and asked how much he made. He said about $20/hour.

Semiskilled and skilled labor (mucamas, construction workers, etc.) is not valued much here in Argentina.
AngelinBA said:
Hi there, could anybody give me an idea of the going hourly rate for a house cleaner in BA? My boss has been told (by her cleaner) that the rate is a lot higher than what she's currently paying, and if this is really the case then she wants to pay the correct amount (we just want to know that it really is the case! :p).
Many thanks

Well the rate can be betwen arround $20 or $25 per hour plas bus ticket, I`m an Argentine woman and iff you need I have a house cleaner of my confiance...that it`s a base of the price...have somebody you can live your house and personal thing ...It`s not easy find house claners .
Any question..please call me.

Val. (011)1532731918