Good Doctors-Anyone Know Any Good Surgeons?

After 2 years of suffering with a hernia I need to get it fixed. I didnt get it fixed before because my wife said doctors here were quacks and she wouldnt help me to find a good one.

So I am reaching out to you all to perhaps get a referral for a surgeon somebody else here used.

Any help is truly appreciated.

You need to get recommendations and find someone who is an expert in his field. I had a tumor removed by a ear, nose, and throat surgeon who does 600+ operations per year. My doctor in the US told me to find someone who does at least 25 of these surgeries per year and you normally have a good outcome. I was recommended this surgeon by 3 different doctors in this field as a leading surgeon in Argentina for this type of tumor removal. I was also recommended this surgeon by other patients in a cancer survivors group as someone who fixed other doctors' botched surgeries.

And since I'm living today to write this post, so I have a very high opinion of him and his surgical team.

You can find good doctors here, but it is harder and takes more work. There are a lot of docs who don't care much about their patients. Most docs here are also overworked and way underpaid. However, you can find good people and good specialists if you do your homework.

You need to get recommendations and find someone who is an expert in his field. I had a tumor removed by a ear, nose, and throat surgeon who does 600+ operations per year. My doctor in the US told me to find someone who does at least 25 of these surgeries per year and you normally have a good outcome. I was recommended this surgeon by 3 different doctors in this field as a leading surgeon in Argentina for this type of tumor removal. I was also recommended this surgeon by other patients in a cancer survivors group as someone who fixed other doctors' botched surgeries.

And since I'm living today to write this post, so I have a very high opinion of him and his surgical team.

You can find good doctors here, but it is harder and takes more work. There are a lot of docs who don't care much about their patients. Most docs here are also overworked and way underpaid. However, you can find good people and good specialists if you do your homework.


Thats the problem, I don't read spanish well and my wife refuses to help me find anything. So I am asking here to get a start.