Good Yogurt?


Jun 14, 2012
Hi everyone.

Any ideas on possibly where to find decent yogurt?
Just barebones yogurt, fermented milk.

6 supermarkets and the large Carrefour all yielded poor results imho.
All the yogurts has added sugar. Yes, all.
Many used powdered milk as well.
I found the 2 long aisles at Carrefour full of all yogurt quite interesting in that none of them were suitable imho.

Maybe it's too much to ask. Sure do miss the nice array in Europe. Even found yogurt there made with non-pasteurized/homogenized milk, just simply raw milk and cultures, imho what it should be.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Powdered milk is used in the base of yogurt to start the culture.

I would not be drinking/using non-pasteurized/homogenized milk, as there are quite a few diseases that can be carried in milk - TB comes to mind. And here i would question the cleanliness of the whole process from cow to bottle, unlike most of europe/nz/au/us where herds are tested for diseases on a regular bases and they have milk testing too.

You could make your own yogurt - buy some plain/natural yogurt, mix a couple of table spoons of yogurt with same amount of milk powder, then stir in a litre of warm (body temp) milk. Leave to sit overnight in a warm place. I use old 1kg ice cream styrofoam contains, with a plastic bag inside, put in hot water, then put the container with the yogurt mix inside that. It works well.

You can buy SanCor Yogs Firme Natural yogurt from Dia/Disco/Coto.. I buy all the time for using in curries, and its available at the 3 dias, 3 coto's and 2 discos close to me for around 3/3:20 pesos.
The yogurt here is awful. If you want anything decent, I recommend you make your own (due to the quality of the milk, it will never taste like what you can get in Ireland/England, but it'll be better than that Ser or Sancor crap.)
Try some of the middle-eastern places (Garbis, Sarkis, etc). That's about the best you're going to do here.
There is a brand called Dahi that has "Yogur con Sabor Natural" that has no sugar or flavor added. It's the ones in the little glass bottles.

It still tastes like all the other yogurt, but at least it doesn't have the sugar. It's fine with some fruit and nuts added. Also, the glass bottles can be reused for various things! :)

I moved here from France, so my first few years were spent trying to find good yogurt. Needless to say, that never happened.
I use Dahi natural or the Serenissima greek yogurt natural as a starter.
I use a 4 hour recipe I found on youtube and it has not failed me yet.

My tip would be not to use the premier brand milks, but secondary brands like Ciudad lago in Coto for example as they have a less pasteurised taste in my opinion. If anyone is looking for raw milk there is a stand at the galpon organic market where you need to order it a week in advance. I never tried it.
I KNOW!!!! Impossible to find actually healthy and natural yoghurt here, but there is a place actually!
Nikita Granola is an expat company that offers 100% natural organic yoghurt and delicious actually healthy granola. That Dahi kind of yoghurt is filled with stabilizers and ingredients - Nikita's has nothing more than organic natural milk. The granola is completely natural too. Both were showcased last week at the BA Underground Market in Almagro. You can look up Nikita Granola on Facebook to find out where to get some. Suerte!
I am really enjoying the yogurt from El Galpon, the mercado organico on Lacroze, open Wednesdays and Saturdays. It's the only yogurt I've found that doesn't have gelatin and is not hideously sweet with sugar or edulcorante (which shows up even in 'yogurt' marketed towards kids, grrrr).

Anyway, I've been buying the organic light and it's delicious, there is some sugar but it doesn't actually taste sweet, and it's plenty creamy so it can't be _that_light. It comes in big glass bottles that they ask you to return. You'll see it in the case where they sell cheese. One of the produce stands also sells it but I haven't tried theirs yet.

Go early if you want to avoid the lines!
Wow, extremely helpful comments! Thanks a lot. Much better than the sad experience I've had so far. Beggars can't be choosers so I'll be happy with the items mentioned.
Thank you!

Instead of starting a new thread, if anyone happens to know if it's possible to find whole-meal rye bread anywhere in the city, that'd be a help. Hausbraut has nothing of the sort. You know the type, where the bread is still slightly moist and has bits of whole kernel in it. More like a sourdough starter bread. In Europe, examples of bread coming from Germany, it would be packed in cellophane and despite its moist content, had a long shelf-life, and no need for preservatives.

Great resource here, thanks.
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