Ha, I think it is hilarious to even talk about the U.S. supermarkets/food scene and then mention boutique supermarket chains like Whole Check and Trader Joe's.
Firstly, those chains, especially Whole Check, are high end, boutique supermarkets, that cater to (and this is generous) 1% of the population. This is not the "average americans" shopping experience. I am sure that their are equally similar boutique "foodie" places in BA. (In fact my close friend is a celebrated chef and has taken me to several amazing places.) In addition, these chains have only served to replace and eliminate places like Balduccis, and other smaller boutique, independently run food establishments (especially in NY)(..oh Sweetheart bakery how i miss you).
Second, sure American supermarkets have everything all the time, and most of it, especially the produce is a flavorless suck fest. I mean Watermelon in January at the corner deli, does that even seem right? If you have ever had seasonal fruit right out of the field you cannot plausibly argue that a February tomato even from Whole Check is as good as an August one in Calabria. Or the "fresh fish" regardless of the season compared to the ones I just caught this morning. So, having it, doesn't mean it tastes good and often doesn't. Jersey Corn in late summer versus the cow corn you get in March. C'mon. I am not even going to touch the whole global climate/agro-business issues involved in making sure you have out of season produce all year round...or farm raised fish that is killing Chilean fjords.
Finally, have you been to America? I mean like off the coasts? I just spent the summer driving through the South and every single exit, and town is: Chik-Filet, Arby's McD's, BK, Sonic (mmmmm Sonic shake),Longhorn Steakhouse, Checker's, Starbucks, Dominoes...rinse and repeat!!! Every exit!!! That is the American dining experience. Yes, I traveled hither and yon for that "secret local spot" (made a point of it) but they are few and far between, and the everyday locals do not go there...only Food Network producers looking for stories.
As far as food in BA, every time I have been it has been amazing. (Ok, I am with you on the pizza, but I have not explored finding a good place...it's like comparing Domino's to Grimaldi's or Artichoke et al.) Again, You are comparing the food scene in New York and saying that's America. Dig deeper in BA, quality places abound and are infinitely cheaper (if you account for the exchange rate).
Let me tell you, I have been to the American farm and the farmers are not eating organically grown ramps, and "farm raised" hand rubbed pork in a 8 spice rub..as the whole trendy NYC locavore movement would have you think. Whole Check and Trader Joe's just feed in to that bourgeois bull. The FDA only recently decided to phase in what "organic" means in terms of labeling so what was it before. Marketing scam....like you "need" an SUV, or "it's green".
And so there's my rant....your serve.