Well, I will say again - the only negative judging I've gotten is from other expats on this board
So no, in my experience, to bring this back to the thread - I have never been judged and dismissed because I'm from the US by someone here in Argentina. (Judged - most certainly - it's human nature. I'm sure I've also been judged by my clothes, my accent, my hair color, my weight, my height, etc) But had someone hate me because I'm North American and for no other reason - nope, has not happened. I'm sure it will at some point (human nature) but I don't think the majority or even minority of Argentines hate North Americans strictly based on where they were born.
And pssssttt - I didn't actually use imperialist in the wrong context. Imperialist means a believer in imperialism as well. (Sub-context being someone who accepts and supports).
Since you continually claim that I have no idea what my country does but I'm a supporter, and that the US is an evil, imperialist empire, I was simply taking on to the title you gave me.
I think the thing I found most amusing of all is that I've been criticized for being both too conservative and too liberal by people on this board. And both sides tell me I have "no idea* about my own country. I'm always interested how someone presumes to tell me what my own knowledge base is, without having any idea of who I am , what I've studied or where I'm from.
But carry-on.
(Side note - why is it that I never see threads about how bad any other country is?)