Q: What is the work visa process for argentina?
"Supposedly" You have to have a work contract for Argentina while you`re still in the US, and you have to do all your paperworks before coming. Since that is not likely to happen you will probably come here under a tourist visa, look for somebody to hire you , then get your police record and make an appointment with migraciones. I don`t know any more so far.
Where would a software development job likely be in BA, and based on what I've said, what would be a reasonable part of town to find a place to live? We're willing to be a little austere, but safety is important. And we generally prefer longer commutes to get more indoor and outdoor space farther out.
If you get a software developement job you will probably work in the capital. It doesn`t really matters in what part of the capital you live to get to your job, but as for safety i would recommend East/ Northwest "barrios" of the capital. However, the possibility always exist that you can work home for the company after a while, my brother is a video editor, he was going to the office at first to work but now he can work at home.
What's the school situation in BA? My kids would need to go into some sort of school and only one of them speaks spanish. I'm sure some of my kids would pick it up quickly, but for others it would be a fight.
The only english speaking school (ONLY english) that i know is LIncoln, and it`s extremely expensive. You can send your kids to a bilingual schoool though, they would have spanish in the morning and the same classes in english in the afternoon, however, that would be at least $1500 (pesos) a month per kid.
Does argentina have an equivalent to home schooling?
Can anyone give me an idea what a high-end programming job would be likely to pay in BA and what renting a house would likely cost?
No idea about the job. Renting a house for 9 people would be around $4000 (US$1250) a month.
What's the most popular job website or place to post jobs, and the same question for places to live?
The sites Lolimundo recommended are good for jobs.
Are there any services (church-related or otherwise) that would help facilitate a move like this?
Not that i know of
What's the tax situation? That is, what percentage does the government usually take?
Out of products you buy: %21.00 but it`s included in the price. Out of your wage... until you have your papers none, once you have your papers it will be discounted in total around $300 (including your health service)
What is the health insurance situation there?
If you go to a hospital is free. Otherwise you can hire a pre-paid medical service, but they are expensive and not really worthy , except you have a big accident.
What's the race-relations situation there? Half of my kids are adopted. One is from vietnam, two are from guatemala. But the rest of us are northern european types. Are we likely to run into trouble with this?
Other kids might make fun of them if they don`t speak the language well, and they might call them a few names at first but nothing really too serious, argentinians make fun of everyone but there won`t be any physical violence because of it.
Anything else I should watch out for?
Scams, specially when you try to rent a place, if possible go with someone who understands law when you sign the papers.