Hello! Arriving in 2 weeks!


Feb 17, 2012
Hey All!

I wanted to say hi to everyone and introduce myself as I'll be moving down to Buenos Aires in March. At the moment, the only plans I have are to take Spanish classes, eat well, drink nice red wine, and experience life as a porteño.

About myself: I grew up in Seattle, went to school in the San Francisco Bay Area, and then got a job after university at Facebook helping people connect and send the occasional poke ;) For the past two years I had been in Dublin, Ireland working, but decided it was time for a break and chose Buenos Aires!

I've been reading some of the posts and think that taking Spanish classes at either the CUI or UBA Lab sound right for me. Has anyone had any recent experiences at either?

Also, it seems like everyone on this forum is a nice bunch and I'd love to meet up with people for food, a drink, or a night out. I won't be traveling down with anyone, so I'll need new friends :)