Help with FBI Background Check

Deborah Florencia

Feb 20, 2011
I am trying to get the fingerprints so I can send it the FBI for my background check.

I have two quick questions...

1. Do we have to get the form for the fingerprints from the US Embassy or can we print it out ourselves? I printed it out on white thick paper and brought it to the local police station and they mentioned that normally the form is blue. I was wondering if the FBI will accept the white form that I printed out.

2. The local police station did the figure prints for me but said that they could not sign under "Signature of official taking Fingerprints" or write in "Employer and address". They told me to go to the US Embassy to get that signature.. is this true? Or should I just go back and keep pestering them to sign it?

I really need help, because I cant find the answer to these questions anywhere... please help me BA Expats!! Thanks :)
I had my fingerprints taken a couple of years ago. I went with my lawyer (at his suggestion, no extra cost), specifically to prevent whatever crap the local police may pull, having had some experience with their "helpfulness" before.

He printed the form out from the FBI site on heavy white paper.

The officer who took my fingerprints did indeed sign the form, although I don't remember what space specifically he signed. My lawyer actually kept the form and did all of the work involved in getting my FBI report - including paying the fee to the FBI, and charged me for it later.

A lot of people say you can do all this yourself, with no lawyer, but little things like this are the reason why I didn't listen to them. I'd also seen my wife go through here residency process, and being a MercoSur citizen it should have been easier for her than me.

Maybe in your case, the form has changed, what authorities do here have changed, etc - I don't know. But what you wrote doesn't sound right to me. Maybe someone who's gone through the process more recently can give you a better answer.
ElQueso is correct , again. Download the form from the FBI sight on heavy paper. And his advise to bring someone , anyone , who can cut through the bullshit , will be a huge advantage. Remember , from the date of the FBI background check , it is only good for 90 days !! Also figure time for apostile from Department of State. For me , just a couple months ago , it was 10 weeks for the FBI background check and 2 weeks for the apostile.
base the start of the tramite on when you expect to get the FBI and Apostile back. Also , you CANNOT leave Argentina , from the date of the background check until you start the tramite. Or it becomes invalid , and you get to start again ! Good Luck.
So therefore, I need to get the Police to sign it? I dont have to go to the embassy?

Also, why does it become invalid?? I dont understand that part. I was planning on going to the United States for Christmas..why would the FBI form become invalid? I am going to send the fingerprints to my parents in the States and they will send it to the FBI, I wont be sending it directly from therefore it shouldnt matter. Right?
As long as you start the tramite before you go home in December you shoudl be fine, otherwise you'd need to do it again because in that time back home in December you could commit a crime.
cbonanni said:
Also , you CANNOT leave Argentina , from the date of the background check until you start the tramite. Or it becomes invalid , and you get to start again !
Almost correct... You cannot enter the USA... Sounds strange, but when you enter you might commit a crime which will not show up on your background check which the FBI has issued.. So you can leave Argentina, but you cannot enter the USA. However once the process has started (paperwork has been filed and accepted, not necessarily approved) you can enter the USA again.
So just make sure your paperwork has been filed and accepted for processing / review by migraciones before returning to the USA.
Just noticed that irina posted the same what I wrote while I was writing my message...
Start the tramite based on when you will have the FBI form back. Again it is valid for 90 days.....
A blue form and a signature at the embassy? :D I think what you experienced is Argentinean creativity. At least they did them for you.

I went a while ago to get my fingerprints taken at the local police station and was turned away. The officer's excuse was that he wasn't allowed to let me pass (this is provincia, not Capital) and that he would let me, but he was afraid his boss would walk in at any moment. :confused: I wasn't even going to try to get them to sign off on it, but it seems the police aren't the most willing to help. I went with my Argentine husband who did most of the talking - but no dice.

I've decided to get my fingerprints taken in the US and send off for the background check while I'm there - I'm not going to keep visiting comiserias. Since it takes several weeks, I'll be in Argentina by that time.

There should be a more streamlined solution for this. :p
Several years ago , you had to be in Argentina prior to the date on the FBI background check. That was a hassle. They have relaxed it to where you have the 90 days. I got my finger prints in the states 2 months before I came down here , to allow for some time. Then had them sent here and started the tramite. 6 weeks in still no DNI out here in the suburbs.