Help with Pensionado visa application


Jul 20, 2020
I have finally arrived in Buenos Aires and am settling into a lovely apartment in Palermo Hollywood that I have rented for three months. Now, the question is how do I proceed with applying for a pensionado residencia (a retirement residency visa)?

I have my US birth certificate and FBI report translated into Spanish and apostilled. I have my proof of income documents (a verification letter from the Social Security Administration and one from TransAmerica, which manages my pension). However, they were not accepted by the Argentine consulate in New York City because the Social Security letter was not signed and notorized and apostilled. That's where the craziness starts. The Social Security Administration told me that they do not sign such letters! If the NYC consulate's statement is correct, that would mean Argentina does not acknowledge US Social Security income as real income.

I'm told I should look for a lawyer in Buenos Aires who handles pensionado residencia applications. Does anyone have contact with a legitimate one (one who doesn't want to be paid thousands of US dollars to do the work)?
It is correct that Social Security no longer issues signed income verification letters. I suggest you contact SS at the U.S. embassy here and see if they can do something for you. Early last year while in the U.S., a clerk at a local office agreed to sign --- and stamp with title (also a requirement) --- my letter and solved that problem for me. So it can be done if you find someone sympathetic and cooperative.

Many years ago, I did my own pensionado visa paperwork while still in the U.S., renewing each year until permanent residency.

Good luck!
I have my US birth certificate and FBI report translated into Spanish and apostilled. I have my proof of income documents (a verification letter from the Social Security Administration and one from TransAmerica, which manages my pension). However, they were not accepted by the Argentine consulate in New York City because the Social Security letter was not signed and notorized and apostilled.
I think the US Department of State is supposed to apostille federally-issued documents.
I have finally arrived in Buenos Aires and am settling into a lovely apartment in Palermo Hollywood that I have rented for three months. Now, the question is how do I proceed with applying for a pensionado residencia (a retirement residency visa)?

I have my US birth certificate and FBI report translated into Spanish and apostilled. I have my proof of income documents (a verification letter from the Social Security Administration and one from TransAmerica, which manages my pension). However, they were not accepted by the Argentine consulate in New York City because the Social Security letter was not signed and notorized and apostilled. That's where the craziness starts. The Social Security Administration told me that they do not sign such letters! If the NYC consulate's statement is correct, that would mean Argentina does not acknowledge US Social Security income as real income.

I'm told I should look for a lawyer in Buenos Aires who handles pensionado residencia applications. Does anyone have contact with a legitimate one (one who doesn't want to be paid thousands of US dollars to do the work)?
I would email the US Embassy with your issue. They can help you with this.