Harold is right. Bush is a Methodist. He apparently chose the Methodist Church as that is his wife's debomination. When he became a "born again" Christian he left the Episcopal (Anglican) Church. I assume this was because it was too Catholic in liturgy and did not embrace biblical literalism. Methodists are generally not as fundamentalist as Southern Baptists. The Methodist is rather diverse, as are many Christinan denominations in the US. Methodists, especially on the East Coast, tend to be modertate to liberal. In Texas many are fundamentalist. I suspect that Bush does not feel a strong tie to the Methodist Church. Like most fundamentalists, he identifies himself as a "Christian" which means evangelical, fundamentalist, "born again" , i.e. salvation comes through Faith in Jesus Christ and in no other way. The trend for American evangelicals is away from the traditional denominations whose hierarchies have generally turned to the doctrinal and social left. Most fundamentalist American Christians join non denominational churches. Billy Graham who was born into a Southern Baptist family and who is still officially a Southern Baptist, seldom speaks of his or any denomintional affiliation. It is the doctrine of justification by faith that matters to him and the supremacy of the Bible. This is where Bush has gone.