Hola de Australia!

BA Barrio Busquador said:
Thank you again all for your comments, especially Steve. Very helpful. Just re: schools, this link might be of interest to anyone looking for schools:


You can do a search by barrio. Nevertheless, I am still pretty much in the dark. A lot of the schools appear to be waayyyyyy out. I will continue my research and report back if I find anything more. I think the best way to go is look at the International Bacclaureate schools (sp?) if we want something that will translate internationally. British-based might be good too as the grading system is understood here in Oz (it is also best for us if the school year aligns with the Australian year, as it seems to in most, rather than with the US school year).

Thanks Steve for the tip re: Pericles - I've already stalked him out and we hope to meet up with him when we arrive for a reccie!

You defenitely have to go for IB-schools.

Whatever school you chose, they can always do the SAT's exams, (My son goes to an English school, and is preparing the SAT's, for which he will have to go to Lincoln just to pass the exam (a day)).

if you want your daughter to do sports you will have to look for a school outside the city. They all have 'combie' (small vans) that pick your child op at your door in the morning and bring it back in the evening.