How is Villa Urquiza barrio for living/commuting?


Nov 7, 2008
We are thinking of looking in V. Urquiza for a ph or apto....any suggestion as to where , in regards to subte access we should look? Is the new subte station open yet out there? Depending on time of day how long to get to subte...?
Looking for a change from B. Norte where we currently have an apt. we find it too busy...thought a bit farther out might be a good change.
I live in Villa Urquiza. It is a great neighborhood and for the most part, undiscovered by expats. There is one subway stop here already (Avenida Los Incas / Parque Chas) and 2 more, Echeverría and Villa Urquiza are opening within the next 3 to 6 months. There is tons of shopping, many restaurants, bus lines, train stations, you name it. Lots of parks, plazas, interesting small and large shops especially on Avenida Triunvirato, Monroe and Alvarez Thomas. And some of the best ice cream shops and bakeries as well. I highly recommend this area. I have been in Argentina nearly 2 years, lived in Microcentro and Barrio Norte, and wouldn't trade Villa Urquiza for any of them. Good luck!
Hi Neil,

I completely agree that Villa Urquiza is a very interesting option if you are looking for some quietness but yet all the amenities of a sophisticated barrio. I don't know what is your budget/preferences, but I find the area of Parque Chas with its circular streets and European cities names very interesting and charming. Also, very good point below, this is a mostly porteño barrio and you'll get to live really with locals if you like that. The two new subway stations are due to open in late 2009 early 2010 but you have loads of buses and it is a short walk to the current subway station of Los Incas.

Another similar barrio you might want to test is Caballito (that's where I grew up). In many ways, it has the same characteristics as V Urquiza, somewhat quiet with a busty shopping area and actually the advantage is that you have two subway lines (A and E). As V Urquiza, it is popular with middle classes and it has got a bit pricier than what it used to be but it still retains some of its original charm.

Both barrios are quite safe I would say and the fact of being well connected to everywhere I think it is a plus.

Good luck with the search!
Parque Chas which is right where Villa Urquiza begins from Avenida Los Incas y Avenida Triunvirato, is kind of cool, however there are no residents of Parque Chas under 60 years old. I expect in the next few years as some of the long time residents move out, Parque Chas will become a hip / artsy type area, similar to what happened in certain neighborhoods in Brooklyn, New York when they turned over. If you want a younger crowd I would stay more in the area of Plaza Echeverría / any of the following streets (between Triunvirato and Alvarez Thomas): Mendoza, Olazábal, Echeverría, La Pampa, Roosevelt, Pedro I. Rivera, Monroe, etc.
Thanks all, we'll take a trip out to see the area...soon...:)
should you buy you´ll probably see a nice capital appreciation within the next 5/10 years

but more than Villa Urquiza, I would choose Saavedra/Coghlan, it is greener and closest to General Paz

Add to this, that it has had the highest construction requests during the last quarter, according to a La Nación article published a fortnight ago.
Irsa, or one of the other argentina megaconstructors has started the construction of what will be the biggest shopping mall in Latam, where the Phillips factory was. That will attract, restaurants, more construction etc.
It has excellent connections to the outskirts and the charm of living in a neighbourhood with low houses and not that busy, I myself was looking for something to buy over there, and should you have the money to invest in plots of land, I myself consider it "the place".

Take a look at Tetris on Toribios Achaval Page, they are selling new PH (WITHOUT EXPENSES THAT ARE GOING TO HELL) that seem quite interesting. They are in fact within the limit within coughlan/Saavedra but this is a nice neighbourhood behind belgrano R

The selling price starts at usd36,000, not bad, if you are planning to stay several years maybe you end up paying sthg similar.
Good luck with your search
Saavedra and Coughlan are nice areas however different from Villa Urquiza. The subway does not (and is not planned to) reach those areas. I would say if you are young and are single or a couple without children you would probably enjoy Villa Urquiza more thank Saavedra / Coughlan. If you have kids and need more open space or a house / PH you might do better in Saavedra / Coughlan. In Villa Urquiza all of the older houses are being torn down and luxury / semi-luxury buildings are being constructed in their place. All new buildings have a rooftop pool and/or jacuzzi, rooftop garden/terrace/party room/parrillas, parking, storage units and really nice modern lobbies. Expect to pay about $2,000 U$D per sq. meter for new construction. In Saavedra / Coughlan the same type of property runs about $1,500 U$D per sq. meter.