How long can a Resident be out of the country?


Dec 1, 2010
Hey Expats,

So I have a random question that I'm hoping someone knows the answer to...

Late last year I got my residency (through my ARG wife) and applied for my DNI in late December. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get back to ARG since, but I have a ticket to go down in early January. I have the Perm Resident stamp in my U.S. passport and have the receipt showing I applied for my DNI.

Does anyone know how long one can be out of ARG (as a Resident) before you lose residency? And will I "lose" my DNI and have to reapply for it? (One answer I got when I called the ARG Consulate in NY was: you're a Resident, so the gov't can't take that away from you so quickly. --You can imagine why I'm skeptical of this.)

My concern is that I'll arrive at EZE and be told that I'm no longer a Resident because I've been out of the country for a year and never picked up my DNI.

Anyone been through this?

Thanks all
Two years. In your case I am unsure as you don't have the DNI now. If the immigration official questions you be polite but very clear that you ARE A RESIDENT. Don't enter as a tourist!
Thanks so much, Chris. I thought the exact same thing: I shouldn't have to enter the country as a tourist because I'm a permanent resident (and already paid a fortune in fees). I know I don't have much say — and the DNI receipt/visa aren't the same as the actual DNI — but I'd like to think that it'd be logical to Immigration that a resident shouldn't have to pay to enter the country.

Then, of course, there will be the issue of picking up my DNI; I can't imagine that they'd hold onto it for almost a year. Then again, maybe the endemic inefficiencies will work in my favor this time.
It s 2 years:

[FONT=&quot]ARTICULO 62. - La Dirección Nacional de Migraciones, sin perjuicio de las acciones judiciales que correspondieran deducir, cancelará la residencia que hubiese otorgado, con efecto suspensivo, cualquiera fuese su antigüedad, categoría o causa de la admisión y dispondrá la posterior expulsión, cuando:

c) El beneficiario de una radicación permanente hubiese permanecido fuera del Territorio Nacional por un período superior a los dos (2) años o la mitad del plazo acordado, si se tratara de residencia temporaria, excepto que la ausencia obedeciere al ejercicio de una función pública argentina o se hubiese generado en razón de actividades, estudios o investigaciones que a juicio de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones pudieran ser de interés o beneficiosa para la República Argentina o que mediara autorización expresa de la autoridad migratoria la que podrá ser solicitada por intermedio de las autoridades consulares argentinas;

Thanks so, so much...just trying to arm myself with as much information as I can before arriving at EZE.

Checked the status of my DNI online (thanks again for that tip) and got this message: SE ENCUENTRA RETIRADO DE CENTRO RAPIDO

Hope that doesn't mean someone else picked up my DNI, because no one else should have it :)