malbec said:There was somewhere a post on this forum where people complained about the amount of money you need to live in BA. Most agreed that at least 5000 pesos are needed (for 1 person!!). Now people complain it is too much (for a portero who surely has a family). Please make up your mind.
Malbec, you are trying to be provocative. You know very well that expats who come here from places like the US and UK are almost always highly educated and usually professional. Their standards are obviously going to be a lot higher than those of a worker who has just primary or maybe secondary education. I believe in fair pay but salaries like this for someone with no special skills are out of control. Most expats pay high rents in dollars because they have no way of getting guarantors, so obviously they are going to need more money than a local person. In addition, a $5,000 peso salary is more than many professionals make here. When it is combined with free housing it is a great deal of money by local standards - and YOU know that!