How much do your building porters earn?


Mar 25, 2007
I just looked at my building´s monthly ´expensas´. The encargado earns nearly $5,000 a month. He also gets a free place to live. That´s more than many professionals make. High salaries like this are the result of a powerful union and a government eager to please labor. Government employees are also earning high salaries. I wonder how long the system can sustain this.
Ours earns 2k net. 5k seems a bit crazy...
We live in a small building in Once (not exactly the best zip code in town) and ours earns 4K plus apartment, but that is largely because she has 25 years of service under her belt. She is firmly entrenched in the position.
One full time live in @ $5000 peosos per month, and a part time @4500 pesos per month both long time employees.....

We live in the best run building (IMHO)I have ever heard of/seen in BsAs.

Expenses running about $425 per month incl. water....!! :D
the gremio of porteros is very powerful, they negotiated a big raise recently... now, having seen some very corrupt administration companies (including one I just recently threw out of my building), I wouldn't be surprised if some of those porteros have to pay back some of their salary to the administrator... administration companies often auction off portero positions when they get new buildings, because it is a great job, often for life, making good money, free housing, and barely working (generalization, but seems true in my neighborhood).
administration companies often auction off portero positions when they get new buildings, because it is a great job, often for life, making good money, free housing, and barely working (generalization, but seems true in my neighborhood).[/quote]

There was somewhere a post on this forum where people complained about the amount of money you need to live in BA. Most agreed that at least 5000 pesos are needed (for 1 person!!). Now people complain it is too much (for a portero who surely has a family). Please make up your mind.
malbec said:
There was somewhere a post on this forum where people complained about the amount of money you need to live in BA. Most agreed that at least 5000 pesos are needed (for 1 person!!). Now people complain it is too much (for a portero who surely has a family). Please make up your mind.

The job is idea for slackers, which most of them are (by definition).

I would gladly mop the entry hall and clean an elevator once a day, as well and polish the brass door buttons for five thousand pesos a month (especially if the job included an apartment at no additional cost).

They really struggle to survive, don't they?