How much money do you spend in a day?


Jun 19, 2018
I eat out 3 times a day and pay all daily expenses in cash and I still barely manage to spend 40k over a weekend including all food in nice restaurants and drinks all nights and taxis and everything else.
How do you spend 40K in two days? Does that include accommodation?
I budget 1500 pesos per day exclusive of utilities/wifi/expensas/ABL and health insurance, which includes a visit to a cafe but not a meal (since I find restaurant food here fairly ordinary and its just easier and usually better to cook at home). Not that I don't want to get into one of these bidding wars to the bottom:
I budget 1500 pesos per day exclusive of utilities/wifi/expensas/ABL and health insurance, which includes a visit to a cafe but not a meal (since I find restaurant food here fairly ordinary and its just easier and usually better to cook at home). Not that I don't want to get into one of these bidding wars to the bottom:

Where do you live? In any case SnowedIn99 is here visiting I am sure they would like to explore the city and splurge a little so they would need at least 10.000 a day. Otherwise I can easily survive on 3.000. That being said my WU transfer did not post today so I have to "survive" on 20.000 till Monday afternoon.
maybe if i went to cabana las lilas 2 times a day and stuffed myself to a grotesque state and had an expensive bottle of wine maybe i could spend 40k in a weekend. i should try it :)
The only real Argentine expense I have is rent. Because I'm in Puerto Madero it comes with a more comparable price tab to the US or Europe. But noooot really. Nice places in PM appear to start at around 1500 usd a month. When you consider that for that price in an average US or European major city you will only get something in a mid tier neighborhood... maybe... it's still comparably cheap.

On an average day, 6k pesos is enough to eat in the better restaurants 3 times. I simply don't cook. I will take full advantage of what would cost me a hell of a lot more money to do in other places.

Only other expense here is the gym. I'd say on a average day here where I don't go out at night or go on dates,, I spend around 9k pesos.
Some current price indicators:
- Dinner for two with wine at an “average “ Argentine style restaurant in a nice neighborhood $4000-$5000
- Starbucks coffee and cake for one $800-$1200
- Breakfast for two (avocado toast or similar and coffee) at a contemporary cafe $1600
- Meal delivery (standard sushi or Asian) $1200-$1500
- Taxi / cabify ride across town $500-$1000
- Supermarket run at Jumbo including beer and wine $8000-$10000
- Pair of branded sneakers $13000-$15000
- Trip to movies $800-$1200
- A drink in a contemporary bar / nightclub $1000+

A typical “weekend” day out maintaining an international big city lifestyle for a well-to-do professional of socializing, eating out and casual shopping at trendy places easily costs $8000+ per person without being too extravagant. If you want to go fancy or throw in some impulse shopping, the cost easily doubles.

It is expected prices will again escalate sharply this month and next driven by scheduled wage increases and ends/ reductions to business support programs in remaining sectors, energy price increases, telecommunications and internet price increases, peaje increases, fuel increases etc etc etc. If the parallel rates don’t go up in line with these we will likely feel “dollar inflation” again for a few months - which is the intention of the government at least.
How do you spend 40K in two days? Does that include accommodation?
Couple Ubers, lavish food, some drinks, and paying for a fun activity, can add up to 20K a day. Now, Just imagine if you went to fine dining twice in the US, took 3 ubers a day in the US, grabbed a couple drinks and went say, to a paid museum.