How much more are you paying for your health (prepaga) insurance?

Got an email yesterday saying Sancor says they're breaking down the 70% increase in to equal monthly increases instead of 40% and than 30% this month and next month respectively. My account was debited for about 80K instead of the 103 or so I was expecting, so that explains that.
Fortunately, Frank, neither you nor I have to worry about the quality of the public health services in Bahia Blanca...

...because neither of us live there and, speaking for myself at the least, never have. 🤠
Everything ok Steve? I’m not Utopos, and I’m also fairly sure his name isn’t Frank.
Everything ok Steve? I’m not Utopos, and I’m also fairly sure his name isn’t Frank.
I only ask because also a few days ago some random user called @Ange replied to a fairly uncontroversial post of mine with a rant that has nothing to do with what I’d written 🙄 so I’m wondering if there’s some kind of mistaken identity here.

Just to clarify, there’s one of me, except on the scammer “other” forum, and despite my nickname I can’t paint, unlike Steve 😅
I only ask because also a few days ago some random user called @Ange replied to a fairly uncontroversial post of mine with a rant that has nothing to do with what I’d written 🙄 so I’m wondering if there’s some kind of mistaken identity here.

Just to clarify, there’s one of me, except on the scammer “other” forum, and despite my nickname I can’t paint, unlike Steve 😅
Eh?! No idea, wasn’t me
I just received the email today as well. There will be a 39.80% increase do in February. Looks like we broke out the champagne too soon. :oops:
On top of the 39.8% increase next month, OSDE just sent me an email saying there would be a 28% increase in March.

But Yay!! It could have been so much worse, only twice as much as last year. Our new government is showing its mettle, well, maybe its chainsaw, in the fight against inflation 😅
Fortunately, Frank, neither you nor I have to worry about the quality of the public health services in Bahia Blanca...

...because neither of us live there and, speaking for myself at the least, never have. 🤠
Everything ok Steve? I’m not Utopos, and I’m also fairly sure his name isn’t Frank.

Apologies for the delay, just saw this.

Sorry Steve, I somehow had the idea that you lived near Bahia Blanca, though a particular location isn't actually important. And Frank, you can now be absolutely certain my name isn't Frank. Nope.

Oh, I today I received my Swiss Medical bill for Feb. It went up about 22% over Jan. (which had a 40% increase itself). I'll now be paying $YIKES.!!