How much of the appeal for expats towards Argentina is race-based?

Surely many or most Argentines are of mixed race.
Not really. Many middle-class Argentines are of 100% European ancestry - no native blood whatsoever. Unless you call mixed race Swiss-Italian, or Basque-German people, or any other such mixture of Europeans.
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Not right. Many Argentines are of 100% European origin - no native blood whatsoever.
Since about 75% or so are of Spanish and Italian origin it could be said that a high percentage of the population has some African/Middle Eastern heritage.
I meant no American Indian blood. But you are right that Italians and Spanish have some African/Middle Eastern heritage - all Mediterranean people do. And if we go far enough in time, we are all descendants of the first humans in Africa, someplace in today's Ethiopia.

So, we really are one big happy family. Too bad we don't behave as such.
I meant no American Indian blood. But you are right that Italians and Spanish have some African/Middle Eastern heritage - al Mediterranean people do. And if we go far enough in time, we are all descendants of the first humans in Africa, someplace in today's Ethiopia.

So, we really are one big happy family. Too bad we don't behave as such.
On The Brink,

Actually we do! Ever know a family not to fight?
The government reflects the people. The government isn't going to change without first the people changing. I've been waiting for thirty years to see a change. It hasn't happened yet.

Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite.
  • Every nation gets the government it deserves.
Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821)
Not really. Many middle-class Argentines are of 100% European ancestry - no native blood whatsoever. Unless you call mixed race Swiss-Italian, or Basque-German people, or any other such mixture of Europeans.

Which proves that white people can fuck up a country as royally as any African, Asian or South American. And can be as corrupt, inconsiderate and lazy as anyone.
Every time I hear about Argentina being "European" specially in regards of "ambiance, people and culture", this inevitably comes to mind:

Excellent video specially the Salmon part and the Santo Domingo Ragnarok Beach..Didn't get the message..? Just some T&A, or maybe just A
Check this one same group A Cult of IKEA..! and Odin..!
