How To Bring Stuff From The States?


Sep 21, 2011
Hey guys, I remember someone posted a link to a site where you put in what you need from the states and whoever was going or coming would put in how much they will charge you for bringing the item. I would really appreciate it if someone could give me the link again because I seem to have lost it!
Mulepool i think it was called, it was run by a well known expat but they basically shut down though. Haven't heard anything about it in years.
Ever consider paying a freight forwarder a fair price ? They get anything in via Air freight. No customs , no duty. Just pay the freight. Simple and easy. You have whatever you want in less than a week.
Ever consider paying a freight forwarder a fair price ? They get anything in via Air freight. No customs , no duty. Just pay the freight. Simple and easy. You have whatever you want in less than a week.
Rough prices per lb/kilo?
High , Very high. But if you gotta have it , you gotta pay. BTW , electronics are even more. US$30.00 per kilo , Miami - BS AS....
best thing would be to go to US once or twice a year and get 2-3 suitcases, full of stuff you desire. It works pretty well for the remaining time of the year in South America.